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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 10th, 2023

  • boomzilla@programming.devtoComics@lemmy.mlXXX
    3 months ago

    I’m not into that topic. According to a quick search the exhaust fumes method is working because of Carbon Monoxide (CO) and not Carbon Dioxide (CO2). Wasn’t there a redditor who did not recognize he was killing himself with CO and other redditors saved his life?

    I’ve also found a pretty repulsive study done on piglets about the ideal gas for euthanization. It found a 2-step procedure with N2O (Nitrous Oxide) + O2 (Oxygen) as an anesthetic for 12 min followed by killing via CO2 was the most stress-free method.

    The activists are protesting against the CO2 method in the UK currently. And I hope the management of the respective companies get public hell for it. I don’t know if it’s used in other countries too.

  • boomzilla@programming.devtoComics@lemmy.mlXXX
    3 months ago

    Absolutely nothing peaceful about it. Pigs in UK are killed with CO2 and it’s harrowing. The only advantage is that slaughterhouse workers don’t need to look their victims in the eyes while it happens. The pigs get lowered into a gaschamber where they proceed to shit themselves and scream their lungs out while fighting for up to 3 minutes of their miserable lives. You can find a pretty recent documentation about it called Pignorant by vegan activists who infiltrated those facilities. They’ve also protested in front of the HQs of those companies (e.g. Pilgrims) by playing back the audio from the gas chambers.

  • The browser login of my bank needs a separate application that’s windows only or an app. The Java(!) application Jameica saved my ass for the 6 years I’m on Linux now. It can manage multiple accounts. It offers statistics, saves all the transfers, deposits and balances ad infinitum on your disk, is searchable and has templates and schedules for transfers.

    The protocol my bank uses is FinTS, I think. I’m logging in via a certificate file and a password.

    I don’t want to use an app, cause I trust my cutting edge Linux (Kernel 6.7.6) a lot more than my possibly malicious app riddled outdated android.

  • boomzilla@programming.devtoLinux@lemmy.mlThoughts on this?
    6 months ago

    Don’t know anything avout xorg development although I’m profitting for years off it now. Just wanted to chime in and say that the Arch maintainers put out updates pretty constantly. If the code isn’t worked on anymore then what’s happening there?

    Edit: There is definitely happening stuff with the xorg-server code.

    Edit: Removed chit-chat

  • Nice. I started Ratchet & Clank on PCSX2 yesterday. Holy hell is that Emulator a work of art. The graphical options for the emu make that PS2 game still shine and the gameplay is lotsa fun. Sadly the libretro core for Retroarch/Emulationstation bugged out for me and was slow compared to standalone PCSX2.

    Also I’m still puzzled how it’s possible there are so many retro-achievements for so many games. I looked up how to implement them and it’s really complicated. I totally underestimated how big the retro games scene still is. I really want to get into the netplay thing.

  • Then it must’ve been bad luck. I had plenty more over the course of a few month with a CS GO server and it wasn’t the game server because I often couldn’t login via SSH or the session just froze. And I definitely took precautions with a firewall, fail2ban and no root, no password only certificate SSH login (a tried and tested combination of measurements I use on plenty other ionos VPS).

    You’re right the webinterface doesn’t really matter but the overall impression was much more professional on ionos with a slick interface for the config of the hw firewall.

  • boomzilla@programming.devtoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.ml***
    7 months ago

    It is day and night. Svelte is nearly vanilla JS/TS. No quirks and surprising side-effects like in React. No shadow DOM. With the new rune system in the next version it will even be better. For me it had the best DX of all frameworks I tried.

    I suppose OP is frustrated because the business world hasn’t catched up and most of them still only search for React devs, which is in my opinion very stupid, because React can be so frustrating for devs. The reddit sub for svelte has ever so often posts by them praising the sanity of Svelte.

    But it would be a valid point by OP if that is their reason when their income depends on it. We can only hope Svelte catches up in that regard.

  • boomzilla@programming.devtoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.ml***
    7 months ago

    I’m have done both, Spring Boot and Laravel on BE and Vue, Svelte and React on FE.

    Don’t believe the FUD. Vue and Svelte are fun if you have a moderate understanding of HTML, JS/TS and CSS in your sleeve and those reactive frameworks are indefinitely better than vanilla JS or jQuery. React is another beast and I really didn’t like working with it.

    Both Vue and Svelte have nice setup tools for NPM/PNMP (I’d recommend the latter) that create template applications in a few minutes which immediately run inside a local dev-server. Change some code and changes are immediately reflected inside the browser. It’s really a nice DX. And both frameworks have very nice ecosystems and GUI frameworks, e.g. VueUse or shadcn-svelte.

  • Thanks. I somehow straight-up ignored gitattributes and can’t recall to have seen them in projects. Glad that’s past tense now and I will add presets from your link where appropriate (If I remember it). Never had conflicts with windows users on linux based repos but I suspect thats VSCodes merit in keeping the files as-is.

    The two commands in your post are not mentioned in the linked repo-readme but instead in the github docs (see [1]).

    I know git reset only from dealing with a detached HEAD. I did not understand the situation as well as the git reset command. Both is explained very good in [2].

    So here’s the gist of my research (possibly wrong).

    Before you even add the .gitattributes file you should add all unstaged changes, commit & push them. To quickly revert back when things go wrong: zip the whole project.

    git rm --cached -r: Normally git rm would remove a file from the filesystem in addition to the repo but the --cached says to only remove/untrack the file from the repo (what’s inside the .git dir). Recursively removes every file. Cleans the current staging area too. So at this point you’d have to do git add again for every file but you wouldn’t have lost any uncommitted changes in the working dir.

    Now for the dangerous part:

    git reset --hard This resets the HEAD to the most recent commit (and cleans the staging-area/index which was already done in the in git rm) and in addition possibly overwrites many unstaged/uncommitted changes with the files contents from the last commit.

    So to end this novel. If you havent commited everything before executing the commands your in for a bad time. As far as I see it.



  • It’s been nearly 4 years since I last used Manjaro and I had that error quite often around ever ½-¼ a year in my 2 years of Manjaro. iirc to resolve it I had to uninstall the current nvidia driver > restart without driver > install supported kernel > install driver. Don’t know what I did wrong tho.

    Manjaro did otherwise a good job to keep the sys together.

    What bugged me a bit was the painfully long retention of the big KDE updates. At that time KDE was making big QOL leaps and quite a few distros had those updates already. But I could also live with that.

    In the last month of my time with Manjaro a few Proton games dropped frames heavily and that’s the end of the story. Made the switch to Arch and never had probs with nvidia again, apart from when new Steam UI came out.