• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023

  • I watched my dad fall into depression after retirement. The same for a family friend who was able to retire early in their 40’s. I think a lot of people only plan for the financial side of retirement and don’t plan for post-retirement hobbies and activities. It took these 2 people’s examples to open my eyes a bit and start planning for a heavy hobbying which will also look different from light hobbying where you are still committed to other things like work and raising a family.

  • Yeah feels like an honest question as well to me. I don’t get all the downvotes and hate for this post. It doesn’t seem anything like shilling. I’ve never shopped Temu but I’ve seen the ads, made my assumptions, and now this discussion gives me more information on it rather than doing trial/error. How is a question like this a bad thing?

    I do understand the visceral responses based off Temu’s most likely lack of safety and ethics, but at the end of the day it’s everyone’s own personal call on how responsible they want to be with their purchases - caveat emptor I guess.

  • The video didn’t give a whole lot of information but it’s been in the media buzz for a while so for those who are curious here’s some features and extra info on the K5:

    • 5’2" tall and weighs 400 lbs
    • Top speed is 3mph
    • 4 HD cameras and 1 IR camera for 360 surveillance & record capability
    • 2.5 - 3 hours of patrol time on full charge, then 20-30 min to recharge
    • Will not record audio or use facial recognition
    • Panic button feature located near the top front of the robot
    • Will be on a 2 month trial, midnight to 6am
    • One of the versions knocked down a toddler in a mall back in 2016 Article here

    So to answer everyone’s main questions, yes the K5 will be fkd with by hooligans. Inevitably. It’s what they want though so they can bring out the upgraded K5 version with the fun features.

  • Ok, but how would you know it was a prank? If you have someone who has suddenly entered into your personal space exhibiting erratic but persistent confrontational behavior, I think there’s some justification towards reacting with violence. I dont think most of us are conditioned or trained to react to threatening behavior in the most effective way, like cops and military are. So that means flight, freeze, or fight. You don’t have the benefit of knowing it was a prank, you just have a situation rapidly unfolding in front of you. Unfortunately in this situation Colie was armed, and responded with that measure. I think most of people would be ok if the response was just a phsyical fight without a gun, but then again how many people have the capability to “win” that way?