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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2023

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    The teen’s phone was flooded with calls and texts telling her that someone had shared fake nude images of her on Snapchat and other social media platforms.

    Berry, now 15, is calling on lawmakers to write criminal penalties into law for perpetrators to protect future victims of deepfake images.

    “This kid who is not getting any kind of real consequence other than a little bit of probation, and then when he’s 18, his record will be expunged, and he’ll go on with life, and no one will ever really know what happened,” McAdams told CNN.

    The mom and daughter say legislation is essential to protecting future victims, and could have meant more serious consequences for the classmate who shared the deep-fakes.

    “If [this law] had been in place at that point, those pictures would have been taken down within 48 hours, and he could be looking at three years in jail…so he would get a punishment for what he actually did,” McAdams told CNN.

    “It’s still so scary as these images are off Snapchat, but that does not mean that they are not on students’ phones, and every day I’ve had to live with the fear of these photos getting brought up resurfacing,” Berry said.

    The original article contains 585 words, the summary contains 205 words. Saved 65%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Another round of Bcachefs file-system fixes were merged today for the in-development Linux 6.10 kernel.

    Bcachefs lead developer Kent Overstreet noted this week’s work is a lot of “mostly boring” fixes.

    Perhaps most exciting with this pull request is Overstreet’s message that they are beginning to fix simple errors without requiring user intervention.

    It’s an admittedly small step toward full self-healing capabilities for the Bcachefs file-system that are ultimately envisioned.

    The LRU_TIME_BITS fix was slightly more involved; we only have 48 bits for the LRU position (we would prefer 64), so wraparound is possible for the cached data LRUs on a filesystem that has done sufficient (petabytes) reads; this is now handled.

    We’re now starting to fix simple (safe) errors without requiring user intervention - i.e. a small incremental step towards full self healing.

    The original article contains 261 words, the summary contains 134 words. Saved 49%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    North Korea sat at the center: a rogue nuclear state that regularly threatens its neighbors, suddenly empowered by Russian promises of sophisticated military aid and a mutual defense pact.

    Mr. Putin also signed at least a dozen deals with Vietnam — a country of growing importance for both China and the United States as they vie for influence — where he insisted that “reliable security architecture” could not be built with “closed military-political blocs.”

    With his embrace of North Korea, including his open threat to better arm Kim Jong-un’s military, he has effectively added another potential crisis to Asia’s list of concerns, reigniting old hostilities on the Korean Peninsula.

    “If Putin cannot get everything he wants from Beijing, he will look to get it elsewhere, and there aren’t a lot of supermarkets that cover his wish list — arms, labor and a willingness to pick a fight with Washington,” said Samuel Greene, a professor of Russian politics at King’s College London.

    To some degree, Mr. Putin’s trip to Asia was also a potent reminder of Russia’s historic military ties: North Korea, India, and Vietnam are just a few of the countries that have been heavily dependent on Russian hardware for decades, creating links in training and maintenance that keep Moscow deeply embedded in the region.

    The full scope of what was agreed is not clear, but analysts predicted that some would probably emerge later as defense-related, with financing devised to skirt international sanctions — possibly with payment in the form of oil and gas rights in the South China Sea.

    The original article contains 1,357 words, the summary contains 260 words. Saved 81%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    The US fast food chain’s departure from Italy after seven years followed a period in which the business was badly hit by the coronavirus pandemic, which in turn forced traditional Italian pizzerias to adopt their own delivery services.

    The company set out with ambitious plans of opening 880 outlets across the country by 2030, hopeful that it could win over Italian customers with pizza topped with pineapple.

    Domino’s first foray into Italy was in Milan in 2015, before venturing to other cities including Turin, Bologna, Parma and the capital, Rome.

    “Naples is a very particular market – it wins on tradition, identity … it wouldn’t have worked if the only goal was to make money.”

    The move followed a similarly brave culinary exploit years earlier when McDonald’s opened its first store in Bolzano in 1985.

    That said, Lazzaroni, an ex-general manager of Burger King in Italy, now works for Crazy Pizza, a restaurant owned by the former Formula One team boss Flavio Briatore on Rome’s plush Via Veneto where a humble margherita costs €15.

    The original article contains 375 words, the summary contains 174 words. Saved 54%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    International student Miran Kadri had many things on his mind when he made the move from Gujarat in western India to Windsor, Ont., last year.

    Kadri outlined that even on posts such as a local promotion about an Indian festival, comments were filled with foul language and discriminatory remarks.

    “This is probably the hardest time I’ve had finding a job, which of course has to do with the current state of the market, but it also makes me think, does that also have to do with some of the tensions and opinions that people have about the South Asian community?”

    Though the anti-hate youth collective offered them reprieve and community, neither Kaur or Kadri have engaged with or reported any of the activity they’ve seen online.

    She also acknowledges that especially for international students, who are already working to learn a new culture, being away from family and dealing with financial pressures — focusing on racism can be debilitating.

    And governments have the ability to create legislation that will penalize them for not ensuring that the communities using their platforms are safe," said executive director Samya Hasan.

    The original article contains 1,182 words, the summary contains 184 words. Saved 84%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    After 15 years of recession and austerity and three rescue packages that came with tough conditions attached, labor in Greece is no longer strictly regulated.

    Collective agreements have been frozen for years, and in many businesses, staff work on the basis of individual employment contracts.

    Making sure that the authorities can do such monitoring tasks effectively is not a priority for the conservative government of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

    Kazakos is in favor of collective wage agreements, which are, however, being increasingly limited by legislation passed by the ruling conservative New Democracy (ND) government.

    The official reason for the introduction of the six-day work week is that there is a shortage of skilled workers on the Greek labor market.

    The new Greek regulation on the six-day work week and the reduction in arbitration proceedings that comes with it are turning back the clock, Kazakos told DW.

    The original article contains 812 words, the summary contains 145 words. Saved 82%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Due to violence and overcrowding at Peru’s standard prisons, part of the police compound has been converted into a kind of VIP jail with three custom-built cells that are more like small apartment units.

    In most of these cases, they became entangled in a wide-ranging scandal involving Odebrecht, a Brazilian construction firm that admitted to paying $800 million in kickbacks to politicians across Latin American in exchange for public works contracts.

    Fueling the volatility is growing political polarization in Peru where, in the 2021 presidential election, losing candidate Keiko Fujimori refused to accept the results and made baseless claims of fraud.

    Lima economist Carolina Trivelli said constantly changing presidential administrations makes it harder to carry out health, education, public works and other government-run programs.

    Back at Barbadillo prison on a recent morning, about a dozen die-hard supporters of former President Castillo stood at the front gate demanding his freedom.

    In fact, a Peruvian TV report, using footage from a drone, showed Castillo — who once donned the presidential sash —  in a T-shirt and shorts watering his garden and planting vegetables.

    The original article contains 807 words, the summary contains 181 words. Saved 78%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    EUGENE, Ore. (AP) — The U.S. Olympic team is one of a handful that will supply air conditioners for their athletes at the Paris Games in a move that undercuts organizers’ plans to cut carbon emissions.

    U.S. Olympic and Paralympic CEO Sarah Hirshland said Friday that while the U.S. team appreciates efforts aimed at sustainability, the federation would be supplying AC units for what is typically the largest contingent of athletes at the Summer Games.

    “As you can imagine, this is a period of time in which consistency and predictability is critical for Team USA’s performance,” Hirshland said.

    The Washington Post reported earlier this month that Germany, Australia, Italy, Canada and Britain were among the other countries with plans to bring air conditioners to France.

    According to the International Energy Agency, fewer than 1 in 10 households in Europe has air conditioning, and the numbers in Paris are lower than that.

    “It’s a high-performance environment,” Australian Olympic Committee spokesman Strath Gordon explained to The Post.

    The original article contains 367 words, the summary contains 165 words. Saved 55%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Asked during a BBC Question Time special what sanctions people could face for declining to take part in the Conservative policy of compulsory national service for all 18-year-olds, the prime minister pointed to “driving licences, or the access to finance, all sorts of other things”.

    In his half-hour slot on the show, following Keir Starmer, Ed Davey and John Swinney, the Labour, Liberal Democrat and Scottish National party leaders, Sunak was also repeatedly challenged on why the public should trust the Tories after 14 sometimes chaotic years in office.

    The sceptical tone was set by the first question to Sunak, which noted the quick succession of five Tory prime ministers, including Liz Truss’s six weeks in office: “I am asking if you would confess to us tonight even just a small amount of embarrassment to be leading the Conservative party?”

    In his half-hour slot before Sunak’s, Starmer was also asked a series of tricky questions, with one audience member calling out “all of the backtracking on policies from Labour”.

    Starmer gave a bullish response, saying tough decisions were needed, characterising one as being between reducing NHS waiting lists and removing student tuition fees.

    Another questioner prompted applause by asking how young people could trust the Lib Dems when they had broken a pledge over introducing tuition fees.

    The original article contains 740 words, the summary contains 217 words. Saved 71%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    After 15 years of recession and austerity and three rescue packages that came with tough conditions attached, labor in Greece is no longer strictly regulated.

    Collective agreements have been frozen for years, and in many businesses, staff work on the basis of individual employment contracts.

    Making sure that the authorities can do such monitoring tasks effectively is not a priority for the conservative government of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

    Kazakos is in favor of collective wage agreements, which are, however, being increasingly limited by legislation passed by the ruling conservative New Democracy (ND) government.

    The official reason for the introduction of the six-day work week is that there is a shortage of skilled workers on the Greek labor market.

    The new Greek regulation on the six-day work week and the reduction in arbitration proceedings that comes with it are turning back the clock, Kazakos told DW.

    The original article contains 812 words, the summary contains 145 words. Saved 82%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    The latest Firefox 127 appeared on June 11 with a modest list of changes – automatically reloading the browser when the OS reboots, closing duplicate tabs, and requiring more authentication to access stored passwords.

    A change Mozilla didn’t mention in the release notes has users complaining online, though.

    Users complained on Mozilla’s forums and on Reddit at the time, but it was at least possible to recombine the icons with the option in about:config – but no longer.

    As you might imagine, people are not happy, although according to the official response in this complaint, it looks like the change will be reverted in Firefox 128:

    According to this thread, users of Firefox on Apple iOS are finding that if you have both a main and private Firefox instances open, when the main one is closed, all the tabs in the private instance are closed too.

    Slip-ups like this suggest to us that, as has long been the case, the Firefox developers lack a good understanding of how its remaining followers use it, and why they stick with it.

    The original article contains 406 words, the summary contains 179 words. Saved 56%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    The below extract from the book sees how Steudtner’s alternative approach works from stepping inside a cutting-edge wind tunnel to helping inspire English Premier League football team Liverpool to past glories.

    When Liverpool won the Champions League back in 2019, their manager Jürgen Klopp was left trying to uncover new ways to inspire his players and reinvigorate them after they’d already achieved the pinnacle of European football.

    In his quest to give them an additional psychological edge against their domestic rivals and to avoid his star-studded squad turning stale after their continental triumph, he reached out to Sebastian Steudtner, of all people.

    Much like Klopp and Liverpool, in his own quest for self-improvement, Steudtner is always looking at avenues outside surfing, often casting his eye to methods from other sports and athletes in order to achieve even the most marginal of gains.

    Russian and Mexican boxers are the fighters he most admires – the manner in which they strip their lives down to the most basic terms, taking themselves to a forest hideaway or some other Spartan existence for the most simplistic of pre-fight training camps.

    There was fishing in the river – he and his sister catching them with sticks, like a real-life Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn – and they would kill their own chickens for the evening meal by chopping off the animals’ heads.

    The original article contains 2,434 words, the summary contains 227 words. Saved 91%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    A pet donkey that escaped his owners five years ago in California has been found “living his best life” with a herd of wild elk.Terrie and Dave Drewry, of Auburn, are convinced the animal, filmed by a hiker earlier in June, is their pet “Diesel”.The couple say they are relieved the animal is safe - and have decided to let him wander free with a new family as a “wild burro” .Diesel was spooked and took off during a hiking trip with Mr Drewry near Clear Lake, California in 2019.Weeks of volunteer searches proved fruitless, and a trail camera image a few months later was the last time he was seen.

    “We finally kind of gave up,” Mrs Drewry told BBC’s news partner, CBS.

    Then hiker Max Fennell spotted the herd earlier this month, describing the donkey as “happy and healthy”, and posted his film on social media.

    He’s healthy, and it was just a relief," Mrs Drewry said.The elk herd is a few miles away from where Diesel first went missing and in an area where there are no wild donkeys.

    “Two completely different creatures, but they learn to get along and be each other’s family,” Mrs Drewry said.The Drewrys have adopted new donkeys since Diesel’s disappearance and do not plan on trying to capture their missing pet.

    “To catch him would be next to impossible,” Mrs Drewry said.

    The original article contains 290 words, the summary contains 230 words. Saved 21%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Lying in the sun, on the Israel-Gaza border, just miles from starving Palestinian families, there are hundreds of pallets of food – from packets of rice to bunches of bananas.Although for the past week Israel’s military has been observing a daytime pause in fighting on a key stretch of road just beyond the main Kerem Shalom crossing point, humanitarian agencies say they are still struggling to get vital aid into southern Gaza.They blame growing lawlessness for making it too dangerous to pick up and move goods.“The looting has become quite profound,” says Georgios Petropoulos, head of the UN Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in Gaza.

    He estimates that last Tuesday, three-quarters of the goods on board lorries entering from the crossing were stolen.UN officials say the vehicles are systematically attacked and stopped by armed gangs, particularly those smuggling cigarettes, which are sold on the black market in Gaza for exorbitant amounts.

    These came about as a result of South Africa’s case alleging that Israel was violating the Genocide Convention of 1948, an accusation it strongly denies.The UN and relief groups rebut claims that they are understaffed or inefficient, pointing to the difficulties of operating in an active war zone.

    At the same time, aid organisations lost access to important storage and distribution centres.Ever since Israeli forces took control of the Palestinian side of the Rafah border crossing, Egypt has prohibited its use, saying it is no longer safe for humanitarian work.

    However, a lot of items they bring in are unaffordable for most Gazans.Israel has opened up three other crossings into Gaza, which all provide aid to the northern part of the strip, where the UN has warned of the highest risk of famine.International airdrops have now largely stopped but the maritime corridor from Cyprus began to operate again on Thursday.

    “It’s pretty clear there’s a problem and if it were only logistical, it could be solved,” he suggests.“We have to find a system that works and is based on good faith and that ultimately assumes some trust towards the United Nations,” says Georgios Petropoulos from OCHA.Back in Khan Younis, men scrambling to buy the basics for their families express their frustration, feeling trapped and exhausted.“There is no situation more difficult than this,” says Mahmoud al-Biss.

    The original article contains 1,225 words, the summary contains 379 words. Saved 69%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Bush and Boston Red Sox slugger Theodore Samuel Williams were typed on the same page of a memorandum sent to the chief of naval personnel.

    Fraying with time, the delicate onion-skin record preserved a story of two ballplayers from different backgrounds who dared to become fighter pilots in the prime of their lives.

    Fraying with time, the delicate onion-skin record preserved a story of two ballplayers from different backgrounds who dared to become fighter pilots in the prime of their lives.

    On May 22, 1942, a publicity still of the Red Sox hitter electrified the baseball world when Williams posed in a wrinkled khaki trench coat, raising his hand to recite the oath against a backdrop of recruiting posters.

    In 1991, Bush awarded his friend the Presidential Medal of Freedom, recognizing Williams’ contributions to his fellow man through athletics and charity work such as the Jimmy Fund.

    Anne R. Keene is the author of The Cloudbuster Nine: The Untold Story of Ted Williams and the Baseball Team That Helped Win World War II.

    The original article contains 794 words, the summary contains 173 words. Saved 78%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Baseball legend and Hall of Famer Reggie Jackson returned to Rickwood Field in Birmingham, Ala., this week and recounted the horrors of racial abuse he was forced to endure there during his time in the leagues.

    Jackson, 78, was just 21 years old when he joined the Birmingham A’s as one of a few Black players on the minor league team and at the height of violent racial strife in the American South.

    “Fortunately, I had a manager and I had players on the team that helped me get through it, but I wouldn’t wish it on anybody,” Jackson said on the Fox Sports panel for the Negro Leagues tribute game on Thursday.

    Led by Bull Connor, the notorious city commissioner of Birmingham, racial tensions were at a fever pitch, marking a peak with the 1963 bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church, which claimed the lives of four young Black girls.

    Jackson credited having white friends and allies on his side to stick up for him and keep him from doing anything that might have jeopardized his career or his life in the deeply segregated era.

    October” for his ability to overperform in the postseason, would eventually play for 21 seasons in the majors, taking home five World Series wins.

    The original article contains 358 words, the summary contains 211 words. Saved 41%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Decades worth of seismic data confirms the rotation of Earth’s inner core is moving slower than the planet’s surface.

    Researchers from the University of Southern California (USC) created renderings of the inner core’s movement using seismic data recorded from various earthquakes and nuclear tests, both of which send vibrations through the planet.

    By measuring the speed and interaction of the seismic waves within the Earth’s layers, researchers can estimate the position and movement of the inner core.

    “The inner core had slowed down for the first time in many decades,” John Vidale, co-author of the study and a professor of Earth Sciences at USC, said in the statement.

    The Earth’s inner core is a hot, dense and solid ball made of iron and nickel, located 3,200 miles (5,150 kilometers) below our feet.

    Subtle changes in how long it took for the seismic waves to travel through the Earth at different times in the planet’s history revealed the inner core’s slowdown.

    The original article contains 399 words, the summary contains 160 words. Saved 60%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    To restore access, IA is now appealing, hoping to reverse the prior court’s decision by convincing the US Court of Appeals in the Second Circuit that IA’s controlled digital lending of its physical books should be considered fair use under copyright law.

    An April court filing shows that IA intends to argue that the publishers have no evidence that the e-book market has been harmed by the open library’s lending, and copyright law is better served by allowing IA’s lending than by preventing it.

    “This is a fight for the preservation of all libraries and the fundamental right to access information, a cornerstone of any democratic society,” Freeland wrote.

    "We believe in the right of authors to benefit from their work; and we believe that libraries must be permitted to fulfill their mission of providing access to knowledge, regardless of whether it takes physical or digital form.

    Among the “far-reaching implications” of the takedowns, IA fans counted the negative educational impact of academics, students, and educators—"particularly in underserved communities where access is limited—who were suddenly cut off from “research materials and literature that support their learning and academic growth.”

    “Your removal of these books impedes academic progress and innovation, as well as imperiling the preservation of our cultural and historical knowledge,” the letter said.

    The original article contains 637 words, the summary contains 214 words. Saved 66%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    A geoengineering technique designed to reduce high temperatures in California could inadvertently intensify heatwaves in Europe, according to a study that models the unintended consequences of regional tinkering with a changing climate.

    The paper shows that targeted interventions to lower temperature in one area for one season might bring temporary benefits to some populations, but this has to be set against potentially negative side-effects in other parts of the world and shifting degrees of effectiveness over time.

    Earlier this year, scientists at the University of Washington sprayed sea-salt particles across the flight deck of a decommissioned aircraft carrier, the USS Hornet, docked in Alameda in San Francisco Bay.

    Using Earth system computer models of the climate in 2010 and 2050, they simulated the impacts of two cloud brightening operations carried out over different regions of the north-eastern Pacific Ocean, one in the subtropics near California and one in the mid-latitudes near Alaska.

    The 2010 simulation suggested the operation near Alaska would lower the risk of dangerous heat exposure in the target region by 55% – equivalent to 22 million people-days per summer – while the closer subtropical test would cause smaller, but still significant gains of 16%.

    In simulations of the more disrupted climate of 2050, however, the same two operations produced very different results because there were fewer clouds, higher base temperatures and different ocean current patterns, most importantly a slowing of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (Amoc).

    The original article contains 767 words, the summary contains 239 words. Saved 69%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    It’s the first big change to Windows keyboards in 30 years, but all the key does now is launch a Progressive Web App (PWA) version of Copilot.

    The web app doesn’t even integrate into Windows anymore like the previous Copilot experience did since last year, so you can’t use Copilot to control Windows 11 settings or have it docked as a sidebar anymore.

    Microsoft hasn’t explained why it’s changed Copilot from a more integrated experience in Windows to just a web app that can no longer control Windows settings.

    “We’re also evolving the Copilot experience on Windows as an app that will be pinned to the taskbar,” says the Windows Insider team in a recent blog post.

    “This enables users to get the benefits of a traditional app experience, including the ability to resize, move, and snap the window – feedback we’ve heard from users throughout the preview of Copilot in Windows.”

    Microsoft says it will be able to “more agilely develop and optimize” the Copilot experience as a result of these changes, so maybe we’ll see some future changes that make this regression in functionality make sense.

    The original article contains 329 words, the summary contains 188 words. Saved 43%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!