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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • You make it sound like I verbally abuse people for bad code.

    It’s famously difficult to implement your own time-based systems that also deal with timezones.

    Ya know, I’m fairly certain I wouldn’t want to work with someone like you either, who seems to jump to conclusions based on an off-hand comment I made that wasn’t meant to be particularly cynical.

    My main point of the previous comment is that it has nothing to do with JAVASCRIPT, just the developer on the other end. Drawn whatever conclusions you want from that assertion

  • You’re trolling right?

    I genuinely thought this was a real post at first.

    But the responses you’re having are just a little too cookie cutter…

    Let’s say you are a real person and are having this problem. First, congrats on making it to a setting that exposes you to a large number of peers from all kinds of socioeconomic backgrounds.

    No matter how much money I have in my life, I think I will insist on sending my kids to public school. That’s what I did for all my life and I turned out fine. Just being exposed to everyone else will really help in maturing and having broad life experiences.

  • Hey listen.

    You don’t know me and vice versa.

    I cannot recommend The Expanse show any more strongly. There’s a lot of care put into the physics, world building, and characters. The whole show really is a grand ride.

    I would say try watching an episode or two. But in reality a lot of the first two episodes are setup. They’re amazing, but you’re still being introduced to the world. By the end of episode 4, I promise you’ll be hooked.

  • I read the collection of this manga at some random school library years and years ago, and something about th visual noir style and the detective story set in a manga seared itself into my young brain.

    I’m actually waiting to see the anime before going back to reread the manga to see how much mumy experience of the media has changed over the years.

  • Y’all I dislike forced browser adoption as much as the next guy.

    And I’ve been using Firefox for years and years and years now.

    But, I’m forced to use edge for work. And, as a browser purely, none of the anti-trust baggage attached…

    It’s really not too bad. A lot of things work just fine. And sometimes, if I’m having weird performance on a website on a personal device, loading the same URL in edge has resulted in improved/expected functionality of the website