red nose energy

  • 26 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 12th, 2023


  • Technically, yes, the offensive does consume like 3x of what is needed for defense the same position, but it works right only if that’s a war of equals. Ukraine was and is underpowered on it’s own, and even with the stuff other countries donated. Them gaining an edge in the warzone in the last years often involved either technological trickery or great insights and tactics using their limited resources.

    One other thing that breaks that rule and makes this change in the narrative significant - is that russians could deploy their bombers, fuel, supply centers near the border, thinking they can’t get effecrively hit, that giving them a big boost whatever they do, and if this handicap gets denied, they’d have a harder time supplying another operation from further away.

  • What analogy? I didn’t draw any direct comparison, I think. Was there one?

    Arms are given to Ukraine with every state dictating how they should not be used, with Ukraine being autonomous in their decision-making – as it sounds, they consult other countries, but decide things themselves. To my brief knowledge of past wars it was usually a ‘use how you want’ deal or a direct involvement and control from other party with boots on the ground, both don’t fit this exact situation. And it becomes even more unique since there are not one party, but a lot of them, all citing their own conditions on exact shipments, adding even more confusion to the situation.

    I want to highlight the fact it’s one of the first very public case of countries donating weapons with such policies limiting their usage against enemy troops.

  • I read that sentiment about quests a lot and have something for it myself, but I find it questionable.

    Formulaic is what makes the quest work with the system. It should, just as a raw code, have a list of triggers for events, responses, all nailed to the system and the world that already exist. It needs to place an NPC with a question mark that has a fetch quest that updates your map\journal when you get it and correctly respond with an award when conditions are met. That’s on a basic level.

    The LLM to create such complex and strict manipulations should be narrowly guided to generate a working fetch quest without a mistake. We’d basically kill off most of what it is good at. And we’d need to build pipelines for it to lay more complex quests, all ourselves. At this point it’s not easier than creating a sophisticated procedural generation engine for quests, to the same result.

    Furthermore, it’s a pain in the ass to create enough learning material to teach it about the world’s lore alone, so it won’t occasionally say what it doesn’t know, and would actually speak - because to achieve the level of ChatGPT’s responses they fed them petabytes of data. A model learning on LotR, some kilobytes, won’t be able to greet you back, and making an existing model to speak in-character about the world it’s yet to know is, well, conplicated. In your free time, you can try to make Bard speak like a dunmer fisherman from Huul that knows what’s going on around him on all levels of worldbuilding young Bethesda put in. To make it correct, you’d end up printing a whole book into it’s prompt window and it would still spit nonsense.

    Instead, I see LLMs being injected in places they are good at, and the voicing of NPC’s lines you’ve mentioned is one of the things they can excel at. Quick drafts of texts and quests that you’d then put into development? Okay. But making them communicating with existing systems is putting a triangle peg in a square hole imho.

    On procedural generation at it’s finest, you can read about the saga of the Boatmurder in Dwarf Fortress: