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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: May 10th, 2024


  • ameancow@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzCrystals
    1 month ago

    Fact is, for it to work as a placebo, you need to believe it will work.

    What’s even wilder is you don’t have to consciously believe it, you can unconsciously believe it and it will still work! Doctors will routinely prescribe placebos and be very open about the fact that it’s just a placebo, that there is no chemical compound in the medication.

    And yet, the act of taking a pill from a bottle seems to trigger something. Recent research has actually identified part of this mechanism in rat brains. There really is a part of the brain that can be tricked into releasing a set of chemicals that relieve pain, reduce inflammation and create better moods. Someday we might have a placebo pill that actually has medication in it. Wildly convoluted how the brain works.

  • ameancow@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlAn alternate timeline
    2 months ago

    No, you don’t.

    You miss who you were when everything looked like this.

    You were young, you were discovering the internet like a new frontier, every new app you tried or new album you found or new comedy website was like discovering a new country. You could while away hours without responsibility or care or trauma, or at least nearly as much. You were not cynical and jaded yet.

    Nostalgia isn’t a longing for when things were simpler, it is a longing for when you were simpler.

  • ameancow@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzPenguins ❤️
    3 months ago

    Not only are you correct, we will never have any real sense of scale of just how correct you are, since we’ve only been exposed to about less than 0.01% of life that’s ever existed on Earth in the last several billion years.

    For all we know there were clans of synapsids that were exclusively homosexual for terms of child-rearing and had complicated social systems with language and structured hierarchy, etc.

    The idea that we can even remotely determine what this world’s natural systems have been like from looking at a sliver of a sliver of a sliver of the total picture is once again peak human hubris and self importance.

    This planet has been a thriving source of life in the universe, maybe the only one like it for far, far longer than any human alive can comprehend. In the last several billion years nothing complained about homosexuality. Humans will be here for a brief blip on the larger picture, and there will be no record nor impact from anyone’s hate or fear of sex acts. Earth will keep spinning through the void, life will keep evolving. Protest signs and hateful messages will dissolve back to the systems that created them.

    All you people screaming and crying about “woke” this and that, and who get confused by terms like LGBTQ+, it doesn’t matter. You will be dust for far, far longer than you will be a human screaming about what’s “natural.”

  • Good for this guy, but there is nothing positive or uplifting about this story.

    The police were not materially harmed in any way to encourage a change in behavior, the officer who was obviously just another giant asshole in a sea of assholes is enjoying a healthy retirement where he can sit and fondly remember how many dogs he’s shot.

    This never should have happened, this doesn’t happen in every country with a police force, we don’t have to put up with this as a cost of “freedom.” We don’t accept “a few bad apples” in hospitals or airlines, so why is one of our most important jobs run effectively with no oversight or independant review?

    I used to think it was entirely corruption, but lately I think it’s darker. I think a lot of people want to be persecuted by an authority. Maybe not having a danger to worry about makes humans idle and angry and that’s why we have so much contention and anti-social behavior.

    Or it might just be boomers running shit and laughing at 1-dimensional social media memes.

  • ameancow@lemmy.worldtoComics@lemmy.mlPull over
    3 months ago

    I genuinely cannot believe that people still care about this in the year 2024.

    Like, does anyone care if people draw animal people looking cute or sexy or just with human proportions or anything in between? Does it really bother anyone or is it just fun to try to bandwagon something that freaked some housewives out in the 90’s because some inside edition episode? It’s just drawings of animal characters like have been done for literal millenia. Imagine if some of the more “notorious” disney films came out today, people would lose their minds.

  • ameancow@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzEvidence
    3 months ago

    The works of Roger Penrose have shown that it’s conceivable or potentially even provable that at the very largest scales of time and space, there is no meaningful difference between the accelerating “cold” end of our universe and the collossal expansion that began the universe as we know it, and in fact those two states are perpetually cycling, birthing new universes from the explosion of old ones. This is based on the idea that when there is no more physical mass in the universe, you can look at the universe from a reference frame that only looks at the geometry of the energy expanding through space and it’s identical to the beginning states.

    I would recommend PBS Spacetime youtube channel for a lot better explanations of conformal cyclic cosmology than my feeble mind can try to relate.

  • ameancow@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzEvidence
    3 months ago

    How do you think all the stuff managed to get there in the first place?

    You’re still thinking like a meat-monkey. There are stranger states out there than one can imagine, and that’s not hyperbole. There was no causality before expansion, because there was no meaningful interactions or spacetime in which interactions can occur.

    You’re always going to have a hard time imagining this, because again, you are a human. We all are, none of us can imagine states of the universe without time and space.

  • You are so cool for being able to point out political ideology you don’t like, you’re cool.

    edit: I also love how I just said “nazis and sexists” and this clown goes “Oh yeah, the left is bad too!” Bruh, doesn’t that say something right there that you assumed it was a political attack?

  • The public voting system is massively flawed when it comes to websites and sharing content. Since anyone who really wants visibility can just pay any number of services to boost their posts and comments, you have no idea what’s real and you have no idea what the general public actually supports.

    For the average person who doesn’t think about what’s going on behind the scenes, it looks like an accurate representation of society’s interests and leanings. This is probably why we have a sharp uptick of far-right assholes and why so many young guys are turning towards sexist, racist figures online. The very same people who also proudly talk about how good they are at manipulating people. Hmmn.

  • So far a lot of the people I’ve interacted here have been more dense than reddit, I mean, a lot of the people here have been banned from reddit after all.

    I mean, so was I. But it was for quoting someone’s use of a slur so they couldn’t edit it, then evading that bullshit ban. Apparently when you actively call out nazis and sexist assholes the powers that be will find a way to make you regret it.

  • ameancow@lemmy.worldtoAntiwork@lemmy.mlFuck this guy.
    3 months ago

    The average middle-class capitalist moron view of economics is when you get rich the government fires up it’s money machine and delivers you sacks of cash. The only thing keeping us all from getting our own sacks is momentary inconveniences and they too will be rich one day just as soon as they [fill in a thousand blanks.]

    A billionaire has deprived vast numbers of people of something. You do not hold onto a billion dollars in your hand without the knowledge that some… or most of that would have paid for medical procedures, some of that would have been baby formula, medicine, overdue rent payments, gas to get to work for a struggling family, heat and water bills and so on. But you have found ways to skim that money from enough people that few notice. Because you don’t miss something that was intercepted before it made it to you.

    You simply cannot ethically hoard money.