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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023


  • EV charging doesn’t require you to stand around for 5 minutes holding a handle to fuel up. The charging times are longer, but once plugged in your need to stay anywhere near the vehicle is zero. And plugging in usually takes less than 5s.

    So even if someone came up with a system whereby they expected you to watch an ad before the power would flow, you could always just plug in and walk away. How are they going to know you’re physically there?

    As an EV driver I haven’t been to a gas station since I started driving it, but AFAIK this advertising hasn’t come to Canada — and hopefully it never does.

  • Yaztromo@lemmy.worldtoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlHow do we tell him ?
    3 months ago

    Honestly, I hate these memes. As an old school hacker/programmer who has been doing this for many decades, I can usually just start thinking in code and start dumping out everything I need from my brain through my fingers to the keyboard. I never copy-and-paste code from online for something I’m coding (I don’t count something like copying a script to do a quick shell task of some-sort; for something like Amazon’s directions for installing Corretto I’m not going to type all that out manually; and I don’t really consider that “programming”).

    But as a tech manager (and former University comp.sci instructor), I know this happens more often than I’d prefer. But some of the worst code I’ve had to review has been copy-and-paste jobs where the developer didn’t understand the task correctly and jammed in something they found online as a quick solution. I get that I started in a generation where you had to understand the problem and code the solution from scratch (because the Internet crutch wasn’t what it is today) — but the fact that so many younger developers revel in the fact they copy-and-paste code on the regular makes me sad.

  • We’re already past the point where calculating more digits of pi is either interesting or useful. The formula for calculating pi is well known, so at this point all it is is how much compute power and time can you throw at the infinite series equation.

    Pi is only useful for practical purposes out to around 21 digits — with that many digits you can calculate the diameter of the entire universe down to an accuracy of a single electron. Anything more has no real practical benefits. Even NASA only uses 16 digits of Pi for any calculation in-solar system; anything more is just burning compute power (and possibly running into issues with floating point rounding issues) for no additional benefit.

    Ten years from now when computers are significantly more powerful, someone will break this record for the lulz.

  • Yaztromo@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzCFCs
    3 months ago

    The Conservative Party led Canadian Government and the Regan-era Republican US Government started working on the US-Canada Air Quality Agreement, which was signed by the George H.W. Bush administration into law in the US (and the Brian Mulroney led Government of Canada).

    That’s right — two Conservative governments identified a problem, listened to their scientists, and enacted a solution to acid rain. And now the problem has virtually disappeared.

    Oh how low Conservatives have fallen on both sides of the border since those days.

  • Yaztromo@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzpuns
    4 months ago

    C++ is just the next iteration of C.

    This is somewhat clever when you know that the ‘++’ operator is the post-increment operator in C.

    C# is just another layer of iteration on top of C++.

    …except there is no ‘#’ operator in C or C++, so any interesting self-referential pattern breaks down here. The ‘#’ comes from musical notation, where a ‘#’ (sharp) note is played a semitone higher — and was chosen more for marketing purposes rather than scientists having an inside joke.

    You could have also mentioned ‘D’, which is another “next iteration of C” independent of C++.

  • Summary for those who don’t get the references:

    • In Futurama (a show about a young man who gets accidentally cryogenically frozen until the year 3000), Fry finds the fossilized remains of his pet dog from the year 2000. Ultimately he assumes his dog had a good and full life after his disapperance, but in the epilogue we see that his dog waited for him in front of his workplace (Panucci’s Pizza) throughout the seasons, regardless of the weather, until he aged and died.

    • In Full Metal Alchimist: Brotherhood, the Elric brothers visit an alchemist (Shou Tucker) who is known for having created a chimera capable of understanding human speech. While they study under him, they also spent time playing with his 4 year old daughter Nina and her dog Alexander. Upon returning one day they find Shou has created a new chimera capable of understanding human speech in order to satisfy his yearly alchemist assessment requirements; when the chimera indicates it knows who the Elric brothers are and wants to go out and play it becomes obvious that the chimera was made by combining Shou’s own daughter with the family dog. The resulting being is very sad and confused and doesn’t really understand what has happened to it, and just wants to be back to normal, but there is no way to undo . This chimera is the creature pictured here.

    Ultimately, these are two of the most heart-wrenching scenes in animation.

    (PS: Fuck Shou Tucker!)

  • Arbitrarily and suddenly destroying all apps built with a certain tech stack…

    Except they aren’t. Sure, PWAs may be slightly more disadvantaged on iOS/iPadOS than they are now, but they haven’t been “destroyed”. And they continue to work exactly as they did with the prior iOS/iPadOS release in all the rest of the world.

    Everyone seems to think Apple is playing some sort of 4D Chess to kill off PWAs — but if Apple wanted to kill off PWAs they could just disable the functionality completely globally tomorrow, and they’d likely face no repercussions for doing so. They don’t even need an excuse to do so.

    I’m not claiming that Apple is acting honourably here; merely that if they actually wanted to kill PWAs it wouldn’t require some sort of Rube Goldberg machine-style planning to do it. There is no conspiracy here.

  • I suggested to a friend years ago that he keep all of hit used butts in a jar beside his bed. He came up with this idea that he should add some water to the jar.

    The reminder every time he got up or went to bed that the black goop shit was the same stuff he was putting into his lungs every day eventually got him to stop. He couldn’t even look at the jar anymore — and certainly didn’t want to add to it. That thing was nasty.

  • Hey — one of the mods mentioned in the article here.

    The idea was that if enough subreddits banded together and shut down, we could have brought Reddit to the negotiating table and helped to save the 3rd party apps so many of us relied upon for our daily Reddit experience.

    Unfortunately, it seems that way too many mods preferred the sense of control they had over their communities rather than what was right or just. All those subs that went public again after 48 hours, and all the other ones that went public again but with protest content killed all momentum the protest had, and doomed it.

    The part all too many people miss is that Reddit is like an iceberg on the ocean — while frequent visitors see the new content at the top, it’s the huge mass of old content that brings Reddit the bulk of its revenue. It’s all that old content that is indexed by Google and which shows up towards the top of Google search results — and during the shutdown, all of those links were broken. Google even took note during the protest that a significant number of search results were leading to broken links.

    This look was terrible for Reddit, and hit them directly in the pocketbook. But then some mods decided they didn’t mind being bent over a barrel by Reddit so long as they could put “moderator” on their resume and reopened too soon. The subs that went with John Oliver content were droll, but also reopened the huge mass of content that lies beneath the waves and which Google indexes into. Reddit didn’t lose anything from those subs.

    I was fully expecting to be turfed. I pretty openly dared Reddit to do it. After the shit they pulled I wasn’t going to go back and do free work for them on their terms. I forced them to be the bad guy. We had to show people how Reddit was treating its volunteer moderators, and in the end they didn’t disappoint.

    In the end, for me, I chalk this one up as a win.

  • Hey — one of the former mods of r/Canning here.

    I don’t want to see people get sick, and I don’t want to see people die from what usually amounts to less than $5 worth of home canned food.

    But that doesn’t mean I’m now bound for eternity to Reddit to help ensure they don’t hurt anybody. That only helps Reddit. After what they put us through I’ve stopped any and all contributions to their ungrateful website.

    Nor does it mean I have to stop criticizing Reddit for choosing questionable mods to replace us.

  • Something like r/diving also has immediate consequences for anyone who participates in an unsafe dive. They resurface with the bends and need immediate emergency treatment, or they die.

    Canning is different, because the things people can typically get put on a shelf at above refrigeration temperatures, and then sit there for months (or even years) before being consumed. The harm from unsafe canning often isn’t seen for quite a long time after the canning itself was completed — and worse yet, as canners often love to give the things they’ve canned to family and friends, there is a contagion aspect to it that doesn’t exist in something like scuba diving. So the dangers of bad home canning are more insidious.

    Back in 2015, an Ohio woman died and 23 others were sickened at a church picnic because of improperly canned vegetables. What’s extra insidious here is that the people who became ill didn’t even know they were eating home canned foods — the vegetables in question were mixed into a salad and brought to a potluck attended by around 60 people — over 1/3 of which became ill.

    Lesson being, don’t fuck around with canning. Dangerous diving may affect you, your dive buddy, and possibly whomever eventually tries to retrieve your body. Bad canning can destroy your entire family along with friends, neighbours, and other members of your community — and it can happen years later, without you even necessarily knowing you’re eating badly canned food (or canned food at all).