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Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Pour ce qui est du coût, on est déjà prêt à payer des sommes faramineuses pour les enterrer à quintuple sécurité (et plus encore) aussi profondément qu’envisageable sous terre et continuer de payer le maintien des lieux ainsi que de la sécurité pour les siècles à venir.

    Malheureusement, c’est vrai que la technologie utilisée pour atteindre l’orbite terrestre est une «bombe contrôlée» (énergie sous forme chimique) qui tend à exploser catastrophiquement. Je n’ai pas les qualifications pour évaluer la faisabilité de ma proposition avec les technologies existantes. Il se peut que l’idée ne soit possible avec les contraintes de sécurité requis qu’avec des technologies futures.

    Cependant, avec les technologies actuelles, pour éviter les dérapages incontrôlés dû à une explosion on peut se limiter à envoyer des quantités minimales dans un contenant/coffre/cercueil suffisamment étanche et capable de survivre à une/des explosions (ou la pire situation que les ingénieurs peuvent imaginer) et de le récupérer sans fuite/contamination dans l’environnement suite à l’incident.

    De plus, ce n’est pas comme si on n’envoie pas déjà de matières nucléaires en orbites ou sur d’autre planète, par example les batteries dite «RTG» sont fréquemment utilisés dans l’espace.

  • Pourquoi pas la lune? On prévoit y établir une base permanente pour les voyage futurs plus distants (Mars, Ceinture principale d’astéroïdes, lunes de Jupiter).

    Si jamais on retournait au moyen âge par négligence (3ème Guerre Mondiale, Changement Climatique, accident nucléaire/biologique grave, etc.) ou juste naturellement (pandémie plus sérieuse, volcanisme, astéroïde, etc.) on pourrait garantir que même si les déchets nucléaires était oubliés, ils ne seront accessible qu’à ceux ayant les connaissances, la coopération et la prudence d’atteindre l’orbite terrestre et la lune de manière contrôlée sans périr en chemin. Ainsi, ayant les connaissance technique pour détecter/remédier à des déchets nucléaires

    Notez que la lune n’est qu’un exemple proche, on pourrait tout-à-fait dédier une astéroïde ou même une orbite de rebut parmi les trajectoires héliocentriques.

  • Man… I never complained about Winter, I actually love everything about it; the cold, the wind, the hoarfrost, the blizzards, the ice storms, the freezing rain, even the brown slush on the road. However, nowadays snowfalls have become thinner and thinner or even just raining instead and melting away whatever little snow had accumulated. It’s sad.

    On the other hand, Summer, I turn into a lazy Grinch that avoids the heat and the Sun as if I was a human snowman.

    Everytime I see that graph, beyond the constant reminder of the hyperobject that is Climate Change, I am anticipating the dread of a even more scorching summer on its way in a few more months. On top of that, I also have take forest fires in consideration and prepare air filters and/or n100/n95 masks and replacement cartridges for myself, family and older relatives.

    It is sad to see we still, all considered, have not yet even begun to lower emissions and will probably continue to argue over keeping the status quo for as long as possible until maybe, unfortunately, entire cities are regularly assailed by natural disaster in back-to-back sequence and until everyone is affected directly or indirectly by those irreversible damages.

  • The essential part at the end:

    “ When reached for comment, Reddit spokesperson Tim Rathschmidt directed me to Reddit’s API FAQ page and said the company couldn’t comment further because it’s in a quiet period and doesn’t “comment on confidential business conversations and/or agreements.” ”

    We can infer that it was not the fountain of money they thought it would become. Hence, all the special exception for leftover third-party apps to not abandon a leaking ship.

    More telling is their silence. Who doesn’t want to promote and advertise how profitable they are to potential shareholders just before an IPO.

  • I attempted to try Garuda Linux (cinnamon) on a mini PC (Ryzen 5800H based APU), but graphic artefacting was a constant issue as soon as the install started.

    After several tries I had to abandon ship and wait till a new release to maybe try again, if I remember. Not exactly “Nope, this one’s not for me” as I had yet to properly try it.

    Otherwise, I tried Crunchbangplusplus and just gave up for being a bit too minimalist or not yet ready for prime time as I kept geting issues after issues and did not have the patience to wrangle the whole OS for everything from getting network working to audio and screen issues on my system.

    Anyways, it is always fun to try new systems/apps/protocols and see where thing are headed towards.

  • Xavier@lemmy.catoLinux@lemmy.mlBut Windows 11 is so good!!11!1!
    10 months ago

    I have a single windows 11 system while everything else is on some form of Linux distro.

    That windows system has never been connected to the internet, and it has been great without ever causing any of the typical update issues (although I update applications/components manually over an isolated NAS link).

    It’s sad to see that everyday users have gotten habituated to these constant workflow braking updates. No wonder many people I know are jumping to the Apple ecosystem after getting a taste with a M2.

  • That reminds me, some time ago I tried installing Garuda on a Ryzen 5800H based mini PC but there where so many issues (namely worrisome graphical artefacting, which has never occurred with other distros on the same mini PC) I had to abort and abandon trying it until maybe the next or a future release.

    I simply wanted to check out Garuda (arch based, if I recall well). I used the Cinnamon iso with Ventoy (not sure where the issue arose from).

  • Perhaps it may come as a surprising opinion but I have met and known a lot of great Americans that are kind and polite to a fault while knowing some Canadians that are petty warmongering ignoramus.

    Nevertheless, I can understand that I probably haven’t met enough Americans from every States to have an overview of the ignoramuses that exist accross the border (beyond what is depicted, often exaggerated, in the media and memes — excepting the whole neverending Trump & Friends saga). Not that I absolutely want to meet them either, I have enough to deal with easily Facebook duped and misinformed relatives and sometimes colleagues.

    I somehow felt like sharing my general experience after seeing that funny comparison of perceptions.

  • Xavier@lemmy.catoPrivacy@lemmy.mlWho's winning here, exactly?
    11 months ago

    The future I want to foresee is one where everybody runs and keeps their data locally (or their dedicated VPS):

    • where everyone has access to at least 10Gbps symmetric fiber optic connection to the internet at their home/apartment at affordable price (doesn’t have to be unlimited, but pricing per TB of bandwith usage needs to be less than USD $1 as it is the actual cost of operating & peerage)
    • whereas net neutrality is a prerequisite to any corporation/organization/government/municipality getting network backbone peerage with other network operators
    • whereas registering to a website or service actually creates a local secure database/bucket/pod where that website/service organizes/sort/manipulates our data and stores all generated modified data/metadata within our local personnal server, every time we interact with that same external website/service it gets access to the database/bucket previously created. Look into the Solid protocol specification to get a better idea (it doesn’t have to be that specific protocol)
    • whereas FIDO2 or WebAuth or their successor is widely accepted for passkey implementation or just multifactor authentication
    • whereas all communications are direct peer-to-peer without transiting third party servers (as in not managed by either communicating party)

    Moreover, even better would be to teach everyone from elementary school various concepts (from simpler to more complex gradually) of science, programming, critical thinking and empathy.

    If I may dare to push even further, with technology (secure authentication, work from home familiarity, collaborative softwares, digital signing, distributed version control), give every citizen (from the age of 12 or earlier; because one has to start learning early to make mistakes, understand and form good habits) the ability to vote/abstain on every proposition, motion, new/modified law and decision regarding their own country. Have a publicly accessible historical account of every vote by everyone (excluding secret ballots obviously). Most importantly, every year end, 4 years, 10 years, 25 years, 60 years have a collective review/retrospective of past motions/decisions that were implemented and let everyone vote on if those were overall beneficial or harmful for the country/state/municipality. Empower those who tend to regularly vote and tend to historically vote beneficially (at least 70% of their votes after they reached 25 years old) for the country/state/municipality to become a local representative.

    I know it’s getting wordy and perhaps a bit complicated but keep up with me. Give accredited/qualified individual in very specific fields the retractable/overridable power to have their votes on certain very specific motion/law/decision be inherited by active delegation by any other citizens up to a limit of ~290 (Bernard–Killworth number) per qualified inviduals. For example, a citizen could separetely delegate his/her votes:

    • relating to healthcare to their own family doctor if they like/respect their judgment or even a familly member who is licensed for medical practice, it doesn’t matter who as long as they are qualified for the subject matter
    • relating to renovating a specific bridge to their neighbor who is a general contractor or their nephew who is a civil engineer
    • relating to military procurement to their veteran uncle still with a sharp mind and keenly informed with world event or even their weekly indoor hockey teammate who is a unstoppable adventurer exploring every part if the world but also a office worker and a reservist

    All while always preserving the option to change their vote anytime for any reason; by delegating to someone else for specific issue/concerns or voting on their own (always takes priority over delegation).

    Well… I am being too hopeful and probably pushed things far beyond what is realistic, but it is nice to make thought experiments on what may be possible with technology.

  • That’s why I micromanage my subscriptions way before the last day to edit when further change are impossible:

    • I always leave at least 5 items with delivery 6 months regularly (to max out 15% rebate)
    • I always keep an eye on Camel³ and Keepa, local merchants pricing and my previous orders for best price possible (as long as its not over 15% my best price I keep the subscription otherwise I reschedule it to next month, but not skip)
    • I skip anything I don’t actually foresee the household needing the next 5 months
    • I sometime keep items I need if and only if the best price is from Amazon compared to other local merchants (flyers, in store, online) even though its not a historical best price not even my best price
    • “Skip All” if I cannot manage to get a good deal with at least 15% subscribe rebate

    Usually I manage to get 7+ different items every month with additional coupons and multibuy rebates (5 for -5%, buy 3 for 6$, etc.).

    Last month, surprisingly I somehow managed to combine 60+ items over 14 differents subscription orders all combined and shipped within 5 boxes (3 of them were too heavy to carry alone).

    However, this month a can’t seem to find and assemble more than 2 subscription order of regular thing I actualy need. Hence, I may entirely skip November’s delivery.

    On top of that, I don’t have/use Prime most of the time. I only pay 2$ for a week of prime whenever a big sale day is upcoming or that there is a exclusive prime only rebates (prime day, black friday, boxing day). Or take the free 30 days trial when available.

    Prime is more of a headache for me because Amazon always tries to rush deliver the package with any courrier services they can without ever trying to combine orders. Therefore, we end up having to track multiple different deliveries through multiple different tracking service. Unfortunately, some courriers are regularly terrible at delivering.

    In contrast, without Prime, orders tend to take in average over 4+ days before shipping. Enough time to usually combine 3 or more orders in 1 package. And delivered by Amazon’s own delivery truck.