• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • This happens so many times. I’m a pretty firm believer in walking away for 15 minutes is a crucial part of the debugging process. It’s just hard sometimes to know when to stop and stop trying shit for a bit.

    Also rubber duck debugging, I’ll talk to my dog but fuck it works so many times. Shes helpful.

  • XanXic@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlToday is about to become unpleasant
    9 months ago

    Have you watched the show or just seen clips? He really doesn’t go off on them that much. And when he does usually it’s very deserved. Like he does not stand for deplorable conditions and mistreatment of staff. Like if he finds out an owner isn’t taking good care of their staff he makes sure they know its not okay.

    But genuinely 3/4ths of an episode is him trying to help them improve with genuine empathy and understanding. He comes in, points out whats wrong with some gusto for the clips and then is like “hey so what’s going on? I’m sure you weren’t always this disconnected from what’s going on” and works with them to solve their issues which is usually more attitude and just like some guidance. Usually to they do a top to bottom cleaning and organizing of the restaurant for them.

    Obviously you’ll hear more about the very rare episodes where they have the most famous chef in the world giving them advice and they just won’t hear it. Like people quote Amys Bakery because the owners flipped out at him pointing out raw pastries kept leaving the kitchen and then getting all shitty when he’s like don’t steal waiters tips.

    It’s like the newest episode is him helping a family business out where the brothers weren’t even talking and the parents had to help instead of retire. He got the brothers to work together, remodeled the entire kitchen for them, held a make wish charity event at their grand opening on his dime, and did a bunch of training. It even had a 2 month check in where it was doing much better. But I’m sure you’ll only see a tiktok clip from when he found a box of raw chicken that made the whole crew throw up and he’s like “what the fuck?!” Which yeah, what the fuck? And this was a restaurant that had been health inspected recently. If anything it makes you loose faith in health inspectors. Idk wtf they are doing

  • Idk this is ambiguous stuff is how you can waste an hour with your players ripping everything off the walls because they think you being unclear is a signifier of something. Like you have to be more clear than ambiguous over all because they are playing a game and unless they are checked out will drill down into it. Maybe you don’t mind them wasting an hour investigating a pointless room or doing everything they can on an object because you were vague about it but it’s not rewarding for players. Like being vague about a rock is going to have any player take it with them compared to saying “it’s just a rock.” Maybe you can take those moments and make memories from improv’ing with them but itll get exhausting for both sides after awhile.

  • Long time boost reddit user. Feels natural again. Already bought ad free on principle lol. After the whole Sync for Lemmy price gouge fiasco. Like jesus

    Where does one give feedback?

    Edit: right off the bat the blur for nsfw needs to be a bit more muddled. I like nsfw and stuff and tend to stick to /all so it shows up often. But the blur isn’t really doing a food job when it’s like just a out of focus naked woman compared to a general sense of shape the other apps ive used hit. There’s no plausible deniability lol. And I just need to see red and the title to know not to click gore stuff

  • Really dial in the sensitivity I’d say. It took me like legit cranking it up and then adjusting down by 2% at a time to find a sweet spot. But it’s definitely much more responsive and tighter than any other Fallout-esque game they’ve done. Those always felt mushy.

    I’ll say too it’s probably that the games aim assist is very light. Like almost hardly there. For a single player offline game it could use a small increase. Like I’m still able to head shot dudes but it’s noticeable, and combined with muscle memory for similar games, having hardly any ‘magnetism’ is an adjustment. I keep meaning to look if there’s a slider in the settings.

  • XanXic@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlAnother Starfield Post
    10 months ago

    “not a failure” I called it frustrating and death by a thousand cuts. Just because I don’t screech failure and send Todd Howard death threats doesn’t mean I’m not being critical of the game. Get some reading comprehension and don’t set the bar at hyperbole. Saying the thing you do 75% of the time is fun isn’t calling it a rousing success either by any means.

  • XanXic@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlAnother Starfield Post
    10 months ago

    Why didn’t you pick any of the more negative traits? Like your example is the most basic harmless one. There’s ones with way more downsides. Did you pick the ‘2 loving parents’ trait and are mad they don’t kill you on sight? lmao. Like I picked wanted where I always have a bounty and it’s cool. I’ve had a bounty hunter show up in the middle of a boss fight before. Both in space and on ground. Added a decent complication. A few of the others are pretty long term negatives like weakening aids and food.

    I also don’t know if you explored much because the game has a pretty robust ailments system. Like if you pre-plan sure you can have all the expensive cures on hand, but you can get quite a few ailments at once from fucking around. I had a cough for like 4 hours because I couldn’t find an aid for it. I eventually had to go to a doctor to get rid of it.

  • XanXic@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlAnother Starfield Post
    10 months ago

    I think it’s fun, but I’m a run and gun kind of guy. So I’m having a blast shooting dudes in the face. The shooting is much better than Fallout. I LOVE fighting in the zero gravity arenas. It’s so cool like floating between pillars and headshotting a guy off in the distance and his body is now bopping around. Those are so rare though. Idk how I can find more.

    But overall I find the game frustrating outside battles. It’s like death by a thousand cuts though. There’s no one thing that’s egregious but there’s just stacking outdated design choices that continually build up. The games indecision around flying your ship being an easy catch all for the multiple failures in making your ship mean anything outside of battles and the map system. For the love of God fix the slide, you slide like 2inches. There’s also a constant battle with backing out of menus. Idk.

    But then I find some spacer trap house and have a good time blasting away. Excited for when I can actually can craft bespoke weapons.