Professional game and software developer from Finland.



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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • It’s sort of minimalistic / lightweight alternative for IntellJ. Red Hat is working on the extension(s) which have worked fine for me at least for the past few years and it gets updates regularly.

    I use VSCode for C++, C#, Java, Python and for things like docker-files, html etc. IntelJ is fine but a bit bloated in comparison with its menus, sub-menus, sub-sub-menus and built in unnecessary extra features for those just looking for code editor.

    VSCode workflow with Java is mainly using it to write code, run tests, configure maven/gradle/docker/etc rest is more or less using CLI and Command palette.

  • C# works fine with Godot and with the changes in Godot 4.x its better than ever with Godot.

    Here’s a pretty good blog post comparing the two:

    Personally I dislike using scripting languages as the primary language for any bigger project. The lack of proper static typing commonly causes issues with linting, code-completion, error highlighting and refactoring tools. Lack of namespaces can lead to name clashes with type names and such especially ones you start adding bunch of 3rd party plugins.

    Also using having to include/preload any script files using string references like this: const Rifle = preload("res://player/weapons/") is not just plain bad in my books. Its just plain dirty compared to Namespaces in C# or Packages in Java.

    I do like Python and I use it quite a bit at work to automate things as you can install and import bunch of ready made libraries for almost anything and just write script that is like sub 500 lines and does whatever. But the moment I need to make anything that contains multiple files and some object oriented practices things will get increasingly more annoying very fast.

    Having interfaces is quite nice as well as it allows me to keep my code more loosely coupled. I try to keep my code as portable as possible by keeping much of my code in a separate project that has no dependencies to Godot. This way I can use nUnit in another separate project to do unit tests for the code and just write wrappers and whatever in Godot project. If Godot API changes I generally only need to fix the code in the wrapper classes.

  • For my understanding artistic works get copyright from the moment of their creation. This would allow one to pick battles based on how lucrative they may potentially be.

    You dont really need art museum of babel for this but you just tons of different works that may contain unique characters, structures or objects similar to what someone might be able to imagine or has already imagined.

    You may draw fan art with disney characters but its actually illegal to sell said art work without Disneys aproval until copyright expires. Now if anyone can start churning out for example A.I generated web comics left and right the chances for almost identical designs increases by a lot.

  • All that literally every business that has ever existed cares about is profits. Businesses aren’t charities. People don’t work for free.

    Well one thing related to profits that businesses care about above all else is cost effiency. In market economy if a produt or service can be made more cheaply and more efficiently without employing any people then there’s no incentive to keep people employed.

    There’s also quite a difference in some small business with handful of employees that is content with just making some money to keep roof over their heads, food on the table and cover the cost of other necessities compared to some huge multinational corporation where most money goes pretty much everywhere but the developers like to fund the already lavish lifestyles of the filthy rich, tax havens and developing the next get set of dark patterns to leech even more money from customers.

  • I don’t pre-order games nor do I really buy any games new.

    I mean why should I when I can buy complete version of the game for like 10-20 bucks 1-3 years later. Honestly I’ve simply discarded the idea of being consumer and shifted to thinking myself as customer instead. Its not my job to support the developers and keep their studios afloat its their job by making good games that are actually worth their price tag.

    I already have backlog of games that would take years clear thanks to steam sales, playstation plus and all sorts of bundle offers. I am in no hurry to buy new games and I can easily wait for the developers to actually finish the game and buy the GOTY/Ultimate/Definite edition that includes most if not all the expansions and dlc for a discounted price.

    As for free 2 play and live service games I simply don’t have the time and interest to play those. If I ever make an exception to this then I’ll be using only default skins/cosmetics, no gatcha and ignoring the battle pass completely.