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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • I’m on kbin exclusively now, with the exception of a couple weeks ago. I was looking for exceptional rock shops near where I was visiting. Wanted suggestions/reviews from the more geological geared, and specifically not metaphysical/crystal shops. Reddit was the best resource for my purpose.

    That said, I believe the fediverse can become a similar resource. For the time being, there just isn’t a large enough, or old enough library of information to draw from. Given time this should change, but for now Reddit still fills certain types of needs that other areas of the internet cannot.

  • I personally would put Era 2 on the back burner for now. It includes much more Cosmere info than Era 1, and you’ll miss out/not understand a lot of it, if you don’t read some others first. My suggestion would be doing Warbreaker or Elantris next. They are both standalone books, it doesn’t matter the order you read them in, but Elantris was Sanderson’s first published book.

    From there, I’d do the first 2 Stormlight books followed by Arcanum Unbounded. Arcanum is a collection of short stories, all Cosmere. It includes Edgedancer (Stormlight 2.5) and Mistborn: Secret History. The events in Secret History happen before Era 2, so would be good to read that right before getting into Era 2.

    After Arcanum, you can choose to continue with Stormlight, or go back to Mistborn. It’s a fairly good pausing point for the Stormlight series. There’s also the White Sands graphic novels, and 3 standalone books released this year (Secret Projects), that you could sprinkle in between some of the thicker novels.

    Happy reading!

  • I agree. There are plenty of people conflating issue 1 and abortion rights, but the reality is issue 1 had nothing to do with abortion rights. I don’t think this is a Democrat win, nearly as much as it’s being portrayed. Plenty of R’s voted it down on it’s own merit. LaRose was certainly pushing it to prevent an abortion rights win in November, but after his push to eliminate special elections (not to mention what the proposal actually said) folks across the political spectrum saw it for the power grab it was. Wanting to keep a path for citizen led ballot initiatives does not equal wanting to enshrine abortion rights.

  • The only things I can think of is that they’re trying to ship themselves somewhere, or doing some next level stalker shit. Otherwise you’d just say the reason right? Gotta be something illegal/dangerously stupid to post that question with the “don’t ask why” added at the end. It’s either that or sex stuff.