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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • At minimum I’d suggest getting something to insulate them from the window sill, this could be PIR board or a silicone mat, but the heat mats I’ve used in the past have been very effective, the ones I’ve used are about 18w, which isn’t a huge power draw.

    No clue how cold it gets where you are, but the tomatoes and beans certainly seem like they’d benefit.

    Heating lamps are effectively a waste of power.

  • Why don’t you think working less hours (assuming that the same amount of work gets completed in the same time frame) couldn’t work?

    The biggest issues I see with it are for things where jobs that are restricted by physical limitations (manual labor, construction, etc) wouldn’t be able to follow the same reduction in working hours, but beyond that, many jobs could likely benefit from it.

    The other way it could be achieved is paying people more per hour of time worked whilst having people working less hours but also increasing amount of people working on a job, which would result in more people being employed and likely an increase in productivity.

    We have a higher efficiency in output of work per hour nowadays than we did 50 years ago, yet we work longer hours for less compensation than we did then, IIRC

  • …They literally are in some scenarios.

    When Cameron’s Government “closed” the tax avoidance loopholes in 2014(?) they went to my sister’s boyfriend at the times firm which literally finds ways for multimillionaire/billionaires to not pay tax to close the loop holes but enable other means to remain functional.

    Like this firm made millions purely from helping billionaires avoid tax, they aren’t going to give up their income source because the government gave them a few thousand to act as consultants on the new bill being drafted.

    They were consulted so the government at the time could “close the loopholes” and discretely open up others.

    In the same way that (IIRC) regarding the conversion therapy ban, it was pointed out that there were loopholes left in when the bill was drafted.

  • I kind of agree with other person who said it’s basically just antidepressants… though I’ve shyed away from the one that made me deeply content (yet somewhat dysfunctional) in exchange for one that leaves me more functional in exchange for a bit more (healthy) strife.

    I’d be quite curious of a world where everyone is on universally functioning antidepressants.

    Is this society a functioning dystopia or a dysfunctional utopia?

    Also OP have you ever played the video game ‘We Happy Few’, a key feature of the world is that everyone takes a mild psychedelic called Joy to stop them from remembering the past.

    Another story that I seem to recall using a similar plot point is Brave New World and their drug Soma (IIRC)

  • Reiterating what the other guy said about NL ones for the UK; ours don’t use that style of system, ours use moulded protrusions in the plastic that glass shelves slide into, in my experience both narrow upright fridge freezers and classic stacking ones use this system

    I couldn’t explain why they do this beyond hygiene maybe or perhaps safety, as a child can’t grab and pull an entire shelf down on themselves?

  • You’re spot on about everything you’ve said, the only bit I’d like to say is that my reasoning for the reduced anxiety is the reduced CO2 inhalation, as increased CO2 levels will generally increase anxiety.

    Also my goodness I am so much more outgoing now that I vape weed as opposed to smoke; when smoking it back in the day I wanted to be atleast 100meters from people (or better yet in some woods) due to concerns about the smell etc, nowadays I will confidently walk down the street vaping, or go to social events not too worried about it, ironically my friends who still smoke are so much more anxious about going out.

    I’ve only ever had someone comment on the smell when we were both in the same room.

    (Also unrelated but seriously fuck my countries culture of smoking weed with tobacco)

  • My working theory for the increased anxiety from smoking Vs vaping is to do with increased inhalation of the combustion products as well as both CO and CO2; increased CO2 inhalation is known to increase anxiety (or atleast the symptoms of it).

    Plus with vaping my consumption of cannabis went from 1oz a month to 1oz every 6months.

    Interestingly cutting out caffiene helped massively with my anxiety, but I noticed I was unable to effectively multi task, as such I’ve switched from coffee in the morning and through the day to a single strong cup of tea, and then 1-2 cups of coffee between 3-5pm, with very little negative effect (though my coffee is half decaf and half regular)

    The main bit of caffeine coming towards the end of (but not after) my meds functional period appears to be much less anxiety inducing, but still allows me to function in the evening.