Quand on parle communément d’Android, on n’inclut pas les versions altérées (ROM custom)
Quand on parle communément d’Android, on n’inclut pas les versions altérées (ROM custom)
Looks like excalidraw to me, but not sure!
Yep. I stupidly thought I could use it on my work laptop. Big nope, I had to go back after 2 hours.
It has great potential, but it’s still far from being ready… 😔
Those who grew up with Terraria and Minecraft in their golden era are young adults.
So I’d say you’re not a young adult at least, wouldn’t say you’re old though.
Super projet ! Bon courage pour le developpement. Je jetterai un oeil aux issues pour voir si je peux contribuer un peu 🙏
If you don’t have chronoc headaches / migraines, you don’t necessarily have to follow this advice.
Taking a pill for the slightest pain will be detrimental in the long run for your liver and the painkiller’s efficiency.
Because most things built with Rust are faster than their equivalent, especially electron-based apps.
So as a user, regardless of the cult following, i’m happy that this tech exists and is being adopted so fast.
I am not scienced enough to comprehend. :'(
Well thanks now I want Silksong AND a Hollow Knight MMORPG
Nice! Rallly Is also good. :)
French here.
I chose to “force” my way out of WhatsApp and facebook messenger. All my friends and family used it, as well as some colleagues. I managed to move my family group chat to signal, and then chose to lose all the other group chats and see how it would work after a few months. In the end, the most important people to me moved with me. As for the other ones, it made planning for events and such a bit harder, but it didn’t prevent me from keeping in touch with anybody.
Il n’y a que moi qui ne voit pas le problème ? Ça a l’air bien comme solution. Ayant un tel rooté j’avoue que ça m’emmerderait d’être exclu, mais il y a des solutions de contournement généralement.