Fuck Spez

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Putler finally forced his paid and Kompromated puppets in the American government to pull support from Ukraine.

    Now he can take what all he wants. Good job Qult45. Well done.

    Edit: member when the DNC was hacked by two Russian government backed groups for years and all the dirt came pouring out everywhere right before the US elections? Member when those same groups had hacked into the RNC for many many years, yet none of the piles of dirt leaked? That’s called Kompromat. And it’s leveraged even to this very day.

  • Because Facebook can’t just magically morph into whatever they want to.

    They bought up Instagram when it was a threat to Facebook, but they can’t just buy up (and then go on to fuck up) TikTok or any other threat like some kind of shite Microsoft of the 80’s and 90’s.

    Meta should be split up. At the very least, WhatsApp should be split off from Meta. All rules that FB agreed to follow when acquiring Whatsapp have been broken and shit on. This single company owns three of the top five largest messaging services in the world and collects and crossshares massive amounts of data from all three. Fuck Fakebook