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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I bought an emulation handheld so I’m revisiting my past.

    Played Codenames with friends at the bar yesterday. It’s a fun and frustrating came of word association.

    Going to try to get the handheld set up on the TV for “level or life” shenanigans later in the week. If not, there’s an agility game where you stack little plastic chairs that is more fun than it has any right to be after a few.

  • I could have but for the other two reasons I wrote about. Namely, I wasn’t mature enough to DNF, and the Fae stories are really good.

    I suppose in the end it did one better by causing me to grow as a person. Sure, books have taught me a bunch of stuff but not many I can describe as being “the” reason I “grew”.

    Today I wouldn’t have read enough of JS&MrN to even hear about Stephen, let alone grow to care about him.

    I’m sure I’m missing out on a great number of good books, great books even, possibly even formative books, by how willing I am to DNF. But, there’s so many good books out there that my calendar always seems to be full anyway.

  • Johnathan Strange and Mr Norrell. After that book I gave myself permission to DNF though, so it was a maturing experience for me. I mostly wanted to know what happened to Stephen and that’s what drove me, along with the “No mere book shall defeat me” attitude.

    I really enjoyed all of the Fae short stories actually. I’m not really a horror fan, but I found Fae, and mortals interaction with it, particularly gripping and memorable. I never put the book down when I was in Fae, trapping me along with the victims, perhaps that’s why I wanted Stephen to just be ok.

    It was just everything else in the book I couldn’t enjoy. The titular characters I found uninteresting. The setting, fae excluded, I was apathetic about. The structure, the footnotes, dear god the footnotes.

    But the Fae stuff? I’ll take 10 more of them in an anthology please.

  • In the twilight years I mostly just used Reddit as an information aggregate.

    I’m primarily wanting a place where I can read information for both niche and general topics, as well as read the dissent to that information in the same space.

    Maybe I become more engaged in the community. But going from:

    Private forums > old reddit > new reddit

    Each step felt like I knew and was known by fewer people. All while knowing less about the people I did recognise. I spent a lot of time in “off topic” sections of the private forums, commented and generated a fair amount on old Reddit, and mostly lurked on new Reddit.

    I think the whole situation has me cynical about the idea of “internet community”, and maybe that’s something I need to work on.