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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 26th, 2024


  • First, vibe check. Let the players shoot the shit a little more than usual out of game. While they do this, you do a little last minute brainstorming or note-taking/reworking.

    Second, if you let them drive the convo, they will usually give you some clues when they finally get bored and start asking each other to calm down and start the game. Things like “I want to find out what so and so has to say about the mission we just got from who’s his face!” Or “I want to kick that (minion of the bbeg)'s ass! Let’s get moving!”

    This tells you what your players want. Now you have some focus on what you need to spitball.

    Now it’s down to your improv skills. Yes-and helps a ton here. You ask what they do and it just works, or works with consequences. Ask them to roll some checks and if they roll high and it isn’t stupid they succed and do the thing or get the info.

    If they roll low something bad but not lethal happens. Minions show up, NPCs laugh at them, etc etc.

    If you panic, ask them to roll a check and figure out what is is for while they are rolling the die and adding the result. At some point it’s just art which you get good at with practice.

    Good luck!

  • It’s not regardless of anything he does. There is a floor. It’s Donald J Trump, and project 2025.

    If he was doing, or likely to do, worse things than grifting the American people for his personal wealth, pardoning dozens of heinous criminals, stripping our rights away like reproductive healthcare, overturning the affordable care act, rigging the tax code in favor of small businesses, rolling back environmental regulations and any progress we have made towards decarbonizing our economy, backstabbing our allies and gutting the administrative state in favor of christofacists then trump would be the better choice.

    I can’t imagine what could be worse, but I couldn’t imagine Trump before he took office either.

    Withholding your vote for Biden is an endorcement of Trump and the Republicans. Democrats and leftists will never hear “Oh man I should be offering people some real left wing policies so they will finally turn out for me.” They will 100% of the time hear “people really like this right winger, I need to be more like him if I want to be elected.” And the Republicans will see it as a signal to move even farther to the right. The Overton window will shift until balance will be restored.

    Denying this reality is a failure of imagination. Things can ALWAYS get worse. The Dems will ALWAYS be the better option. But they could be a better or worse depending on how many of the last few elections they won.

    If you care for the Palestinian people, you will vote for Biden and the democrats instead of the party that are frothing at the Mouth to accelerate the genocide.