• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I find blanket statements encouraging people to buy guns to be disingenuous. They rarely if ever include any advice for how to store, maintain, or safely use a firearm.

    Stuff like this: https://www.leatherman.com/blogeveryday7-tips-for-properly-maintaining-your-gun

    People have easy access to guns, such as a Walmart, and I think a lot of people have inclinations to get armed if gun sales are anything to go by. But everyone running to buy guns and then cowering in their homes or apartments isn’t going to do any good. We need people everywhere to get organized. Then people can make decisions together that reflect the circumstances that they live in. I’m not convinced I would be making my neighborhood safer by independently buying a firearm.

    I’ve had two people show up, multiple times, on my family’s property to do something with a small box, we aren’t sure what. We solved that by putting a gate on the driveway they were using. Adding a gun to whatever those situations are wouldn’t make them better.

    If a fascist death squad rolls up to my house, I’m dead. Getting to shoot back with a rifle is a nice thought, but it’s not going to stop them from killing me. An organized neighborhood that took steps to prevent violence, whether that’s firearms or some other method, is always going to be more effective than anything I can do individually.

    Also, even if most people did decide to buy guns, they probably wouldn’t being carrying them at the places where domestic terrorist attacks happen. People usually don’t take their guns to schools, work, places of worship, fairs, etc. I live in a liberal democracy. I do not want to have to take a rifle with me every time I go on a grocery run or shop at local stores.

    Even if everyone did bring guns to every public or private space I have played and watched social deduction games. People are really bad at managing an unknown shooter situation. We make random guesses at best that lead to everyone getting killed. If I’m at the grocery store and people start shooting at each other, I have no way of knowing which person started it, which one is the fascist, who is acting in self defense or if the people standing where I can see them with a gun are actually the shooter. Everyone’s best survival strategy is to runaway and that’s something we can do without guns.

    It’s not enough or desirable for everyone to buy guns with no organization whatsoever. We need organized militias to combat domestic terrorists if we can’t trust police to do it. Everyone walking around with a firearm is just cover for mass shooters if the majority of us do not know and trust the other people holding a gun.

  • This argument misses the point. For Republicans, states’ rights don’t exist to ensure a sectioned legal system on a state level. They exist to ensure fascist dictatorships in every state where they can be constructed and then to extend the reach of those dictatorships over as many other states as possible. This has always been the goal. To enforce their will on as many people as possible.

    The Defense of Marriage Act did the same thing. It allowed states to ban gay marriage in their state and then allowed them to refuse to acknowledge marriage certificates for gay couples from other states. Effectively allowing red states to supersede the authority of blue states.

    Once the Republicans regain control of the legislative and the executive branches, they will ditch states’ rights completely in favor of total control at the federal level. They want whatever gives them the most power at any given time.

    I think it’s important to add, when it comes to abortion, Republicans consider this a moral issue. And as we learned from the American Civil War, which was fought over the moral issue of slavery, people cannot compromise on moral issues.

    Ted Ed video on the Middle Ground Fallacy

  • Your reply barely addresses anything lmao.

    The feeling is mutual.

    Here you go. I found a bunch on the topic. This was my google search: death camps in north kora

    I even spelled it wrong and still found it, lol.


    Feel free to give me an alternate interpretation.

    Bush wanted revenge for the assassination plot against his dad by Sadddam and a think tank tried to justify it with bringing democracy to Iraq. The war brought democracy, but it doesn’t seem to be lasting. Democratic institutions have to be actively maintained. Hopefully democracy will last in Iraq. And there were no weapons of mass destruction.

    where people were not ready for it.

    Everyone is ready for democracy. I believe everyone is capable of choosing to fight for democracy. The fact is people in Afghanistan choose not to fight for their democracy. Their military accepted bribes from the Taliban and the citizens did not rise up in response. I watched the news, it happened very quickly.

    We need to learn from our mistakes. We need to do better. Throwing our hands and giving up because of moral issues is not helpful.