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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • So imagine a society dominated by men.

    This society knows that sex is what leads to children. What it doesn’t know is how to verify if a child belongs to a particular man.

    As this society is patriarchal in nature, it’s very important to the leaders/men that their lineage is protected. So they need a way to ensure that children’s bloodline can be properly guaranteed. The only way to control that is to make sure that women are bound to a specific man, and that sex with any other man is forbidden/disgusting. This is why bastard children and unwed mothers have historically been treated with such disdain. But men were often given a pass. The women were screwing up lineage tracking.

    Tracking is less an issue these days, but the social conditioning is still there. We’ve forgotten why we prioritized it in the first place (right or wrong). Now it’s the way many people think because it’s been the way we’ve behaved for so long, much of society is geared around it being a basic truth.

  • Maybe? But I know what I’m getting with Sync. Donations to FOSS don’t guarantee anything.

    And really, once we start talking about donating to free software with the expectation of specific returns, we’re basically talking about paying for software. If a specific set of FOSS is only good when people pay for it, there’s a problem with the incentivization to work on that set of software.

  • Nobody is recommending OP solely drink soda for hydration. The point was just that caffeine is not a real issue for hydration.

    If we’re going to give safety warnings for caffeinated drinks–as though OP were unaware that caffeine over consumption is not magically avoided if you’re trying to hydrate–let’s also advise them to take reasonably sized sips so they don’t choke and to drink from clean containers so they don’t get sick.

    If you’re reading this OP, virtually everything you drink is hydrating. Milk. Coffee. Soda. Juice. Tea. If you’re chugging oil-based liquids, those aren’t hydrating. But I’m guessing they aren’t a major part of your diet.