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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • Academia is usually about minutiae, not concepts. Sometimes they get so hyperfocus in small areas that they are completely unable to give a general summary of what they are doing in the bigger picture. To do so would require them to understand things outside of their very narrow field of study.

  • FYI in the U.S. you can get a utility patent on any variety. Its not specific to the GMO. Patents differ from regular PVP (plant variety protection) in that they restrict others using it in breeding efforts.

    The major difference is varieties are not patentable in the EU but GMO are.

    Of course the varieties were intended for countries that do not enforce U.S. or E.U. intellectual property laws anyways. So it was not possible for Monsanto to collect royalties on golden rice in the target market.

    That announcement was them trying to put a positive marketing spin on it. “Oh we won’t attempt to seek royalties on a product in countries we can’t collect royalties in…”

  • Large corporations rarely innovate and try new things. Most innovation comes from smaller players with limited market share taking risks.

    Large companies buy out smaller ones who create cash cows from taking large risks. The large company then milks the cash cows until they are completely dead.

    The consolidation of studios to a few megacorporations has led to this inevitable end. The solution is simple: break them up. If we have 30 or so similar sized studios competing, we will get better movies/TV again.

  • The_v@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyz2 Kinds
    21 days ago

    After much debate over copious drinks at the bar, we finally decided to settle the argument with darts.

    0 are all crossed.

    1’s are written as l

    7’s are all crossed.

    And 9’s… Well we got kicked out and it was never settled. How was I supposed to know the nickname Nicky sounds like the French word “Niquer” and somebody (Nicolas) got all bent out of shape over it. “Hey Nicky it’s your turn!” apparently was not well received by a drunk frenchman.

  • The_v@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzPhD Grads
    25 days ago

    No - you missed my direction.

    The paragraph is an overly polite way of writing to avoid any semblance of disparaging the other person. As mine was clearly written as a personal anecdote there is no need to qualify your remarks as non-derogatory.

    Generally I see people develop those types of phrasing habits when they have negative experiences with misunderstanding in the past. Very common with many PhD’s communicating with MBA’s, sales or production teams. A little overly verbose but carefullly respectful to avoid conflict. It’s a very good habit to have professionally but quite funny when out of context.

  • The_v@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzPhD Grads
    25 days ago

    First paragraph had me laughing. Somebody has spent a lot of time in private industry and has gotten burned a few times.

    As for #2 it depends on the age of the industry. Here is the life cycle of research driven industries as I see it.

    Historically in research driven industries the foundations have been started in academia. Private companies start up relying on the universities research.

    Money flows into the university systems from private companies and they start producing a lot PhD’s in the field.

    Next the private companies decide they can make more money doing the research in-house. They offer large sums of money to the established professors and get fresh grads at bargain prices.

    Pretty soon most of the best and brightest are drained to private industry. The funding from private industry slows to a trickle and all that is left in academia is those with more social connections than ability.

    For the next 30 years, private industry has great talent. Then the first first wave of PhD’s retire. The new PhD’s grads are trained by the social connections crowd.

    That’s when you start to see fun job descriptions posted like:

    PhD + 2 years of experience, Masters + 5 years experience, Bachelor’s + 8 years experience.

  • The_v@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzPhD Grads
    25 days ago

    I spent most of a decade in industry doing what is generally thought of as a PhD’s job. In order to fill in some gaps, I took a ton of graduate classes on the companies dime and looked at doing a fully funded PhD. I didn’t end up doing it.


    1. The industry paid better than academia. So the brain drain was real. The informal training I had from PhD’s in the company was vastly superior to the graduate level training at the university. Anyone who was any good at the applied side was not in academia. The ones left in academia were a very odd group with zero applied knowledge.

    2. Most PhD hires failed miserably in the field. 9 out of 10 of them could not make the transition to the practical application of knowledge.

    3. I saw a trend where smaller companies where hiring mostly industry experienced people for the positions (like I was).

    So for me the time and investment was not worth it.

    One of my friends made it halfway through his PhD. He then got sick of the politics and drama and noped out.

  • I am of the opinion that most “supply” issues are due to investors. Except in certain geographic areas we do not have a shortage of actual physical housing. What we have is a shortage of available housing at a mixed pricepoints for purchase.

    All housing that investors purchase for rentals removes it from the supply.

    Traditionally investors have sought out entry level housing for rent. They invest in building rental complexes. They make all cash purchases and then rent it out to people who otherwise would have been first-time homebuyers. Investors used to be the low end offer. Blatant price fixing has increased rent outrageously. Now investors are the high end offer and removing supply constantly.

    With AirB&B, the middle and even upper range market that traditionally has had less investor competition is now a major target. This has led to price wars for investment purposes on previously safe segments.

    The first solution to the housing supply is simple: taxing income from rent so that selling the property is financially more lucrative. It will have to include a prohibition against rental increases to cover the taxes as well.

    The second is to mandate zoning and new construction to match the market needs not the needs of the investors.

    Last would be to create a program where builders who focus on entry level housing receive incentives from governments (also include hefty penalty for substandard construction).

  • Windows did a few vital things that Apple failed miserably on in the 90’s.

    Mac dropped support for legacy software and hardware on every new OS in the 90’s. Microsoft maintained backwards capability. It was a major reason windows was more resource intensive and had more bugs. It was a smart move because windows OS was able to handle more software and hardware than Macs. This is the top reason why windows demolished Mac in sales.

    Microsoft’s business model allowed greater range of pricepoints. Most users in business or at home do not need the capabilities of the lowest priced Mac model. You don’t need much to check e-mail, browse the web, and do some basic word processing. Apple did not service this largest section of the market at all.

  • My undergrad biochemistry course was taught team taught by a microbiologist and a molecular biologist because the biochemist got fired for sexually harassing a few students.

    The molecular biologist was a cool guy and taught concepts. I got an easy A in that section.

    The next few weeks were taught by the microbiologist. That asshole wanted us to memorize a ton of different pathways on our second midterm (cyclic acid, fermentations, photosynthetic, MAPK etc…). Something like 20 total. I took an F on that one.

    Luckily the final was a standardize test that all universities in the state used that year. So I ended up with a B.

  • I have been attempting to use Linux for 20 years now. It has found its niche used for me over the years. For example when my kids were toddlers they had a old machine that defaulted to PBSkids. Before that I used it to run a gaming server.

    Currently I have a old laptop that I dual boot with win 10 and whatever Linux distro I feel like trying at the moment.

    The win 10 on the laptop barely meets the minimum hardware requirements and takes 10 minutes to load.

    I have tried a few different distros and always had a few issues with the setup. All sorts of different ones - screen orientation, WiFi connection, printer hell, keyboard layout etc. Takes me days to fix the bugs or give up.

    Mint takes 2 minutes to load and so far is working seamlessly. It’s apt manager is the easiest I have used in a Linux distro. It found my network printer automatically. It runs smoother than windows 7 did on my laptop.

    With Microsoft ending win 10 for the shitty win 11, I imagine many people are looking for alternatives. If Mint continues to work to make setup and usage easy, it will gain market share rapidly. It’s not all the way there yet, but it’s a hell of a lot better than before.

  • First off the 5:1:1 mix is too low in K and P. It needs to be in a ratio of 3:1:2 to 3:1:3.

    Potassium is the major catalyst for all sorts of reactions. It is needed everywhere to do all sorts of things but it is never bound up. Without it the plant shuts down.

    Dropping lower leaves is often a sign of Phosphate deficiency.

    You’ll also need to make sure there is enough micronutrients like magnesium, iron, etc for the plant. It’s easy to miss these

    Citrus plants are also very water sensitive. To wet and they get rot. Too dry and they drop their leaves.

    To me it looks like they are too dry and not enough nutrients.