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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 28th, 2023


  • I’ve gotten into chess for the past year, and while I used Lichess for a little bit, I wound up going with primarily instead. The app is great. The learning modules are really helpful, and I love the puzzles.

    It also has tens of millions of users on the platform, so your matchmaking is going to be more accurate, whether you need to be matched with opponents who just learned how the pieces move, all the way up to the top professional players.

    As for outside resources, I’ve been mostly learning from random masters/GMs that have youtube channels.

  • I’ve found that doing a metric ton of puzzles has greatly improved my tactics when I’m playing “recklessly”. It helps your board vision and you’ll generally have a better feel for what you can safely attack.

    As far as playing too defensively, maybe finding an opening that leads to a natural attacking plan would be helpful. I’ve been really enjoying Queen’s pawn openings that point all of your pieces toward the opponent’s castled king, so even though I’m playing “safely”, I’m still creating threats.

  • That’s a good point. I think this contrast between individual (often flawed) human judgment vs collectivist ideals has always been a theme. In TOS, you see Kirk calming McCoy’s knee-jerk reactions almost every episode. In TNG, it was Yar or Worf. In DS9, probably Kira.

    Even then, I would say the collectivist ideals (i.e. Starfleet regulations) were more often portrayed as overly-cumbersome in implementation, which leads to someone like Kirk violating the rules in place of the ideals that they stand for. For example, how many naïve (but well-meaning) diplomats do we see in TOS or TNG? However, rules being restrictive or imperfect in an effort to support larger agreed-upon morals can still be trusted, compared to corrupt power structures, which cannot.

  • It’s just another tired bit about how following orders and perfect institutions are what Star Trek is really about, to hell with any evidence to the contrary.

    I’d argue that the theme is less about following orders and more We are all individually flawed and are at our best when we follow our shared values - which is represented by both Starfleet and the utopian setting as a whole.

    I can see the argument (for fiction and real life), that as we trust institutions less, our focus becomes more on individual judgement rather than collectivist ideas. It also tracks for me that as this occurs in real life, our media would reflect individualism more and more.

  • Thanks for the input - that’s exactly my dilemma. I’ve been posting on AnarchyChess too, but the AnarchyChess from reddit that inspired the AnarchyChess community on lemmy was more for highly ironic shitposting, so depending on how strict we want to be, this comic and normal memes wouldn’t really work there.

    There doesn’t seem to be a separate “Chess Memes” community on Lemmy yet, and I suppose I could just create one, but I also don’t know if the need is there to split the already small communities again. For now, I figure I’ll just feel out what the mods/communities in and want.