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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2023


  • I started my career pretty late, so I’m in major catch-up mode, trying to hit 2x at 35. Starting last year I’ve maxed both my 401k and IRA every year. Plan is to keep on doing that so that every raise going forward I get to keep. Also on that note my raises typically hit mid-year, which makes figuring stuff out worse

    Year Age Salary Retirement
    2020 29 N/A N/A
    2021 30 $50k $15k
    2022 31 $65k $40k
    2023 32 $80k $80k (est)

    While catching up on retirement I’ve also been establishing an E-fund (~18 months currently) and a car replacement fund (~50% of what it needs to be with current prices), so my budget has been pretty brutal the past few years. I’m hoping to ease up a little once I hit 35, though then house savings start so who knows.