MGS2 is the perfect Metal Gear game, like 3 is objectively better, but 2 is just so much more kojima
MGS2 is the perfect Metal Gear game, like 3 is objectively better, but 2 is just so much more kojima
dont forget people taunting them with comments such as "“haha enjoy Gaza getting glassed losers”. You lose credibility when you threaten something and not only does it not happen but the reverse of it happens first week on the job.
Fuck this thread is great lol
I was gonna say Robin Hobb, but damn you right tho
At least Sanderson attempts to be considerate of the fact that he’s a religious centrist by having experts and sensitivity readers to keep his foot out of his mouth, even if the last stormlight book was choked with uninspired inclusion it’s still better than outright vitriol and ignorance.
While the fuckin banger that is “Escape from the City” plays in the background
All it did was make me hugely sympathetic to Judas Iscariot lol
Kung Pow is burned into my mind, I don’t even need to watch it cuz I can just recall it in it’s entirety at any point
These are my exact feelings on Jesus Christ Superstar
Just wanna rec Deca for anyone who likes Aesop and RA
Cuz the way they’re running the company is going to get somebody killed, which I know because I also worked at another self-driving car company that did. I was excited by the technology because of its potential, but it’s clear that the only capacity it will be allowed to exist at this point is basically exactly what the op was asking for, a trendy expensive alternative to public transit that also serves you Google ads
I mean, even on top of maintenance the entire system is basically just on rails, it has to be mapped out manually, every car has a ‘guy in the chair’ that can control the car remotely if necessary, they also got guys in unmarked vans that follow the driverless cars in case of emergency, and on top of that every car is constantly collecting data and that storage is insane, all of that falls under operational costs completely independent of maintenance issues
I worked for them for several years and $8,000 in operating costs per vehicle is utterly ridiculous
There are no Israeli civilians, unless you look in an elementary school
The wheel weaves as the wheel wills
All games are bad except Katamari*
My favorite summary
Yeah I recently saw him and Les as the Frog Brigade and they did all of Pink Floyd’s Animals, guy clearly can’t comprehend the shit he’s playing at all
I can tell you from experience they aren’t anti authority, they just want their own brand. They’ll dick ride for anyone they perceive as “badass” and think they’re rebels for it.
Less Than Jake - The Science of Selling Yourself Short
Also, any and all Jeff Rosenstock is excellent
There is no cow level