• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • In Mexico, a country full of symbolism and magical realism, hummingbirds — long associated with good luck when they cross your path and flutter around you — are captured and then “prepared” to reach the heart of the loved one. The shocking practice has become popular in recent years. It consists of carrying the small bird, dead and dry, inside your shirt pocket. This, we are assured, will let us find a partner for life. But so far, the only objectively measurable thing it has achieved is to put 39 of the 57 species that inhabit Mexican territory at risk of extinction, according to data from the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

  • I stayed in an apartment that was infested with roaches and they followed us when we moved out. They started to try and establish a colony in the new house we were renting but we waged a war on them. We bombed the house with bug spray, foggers, and diatomaceous earth but it was still a struggle getting rid of them all. At one point my computer was getting dusty so I decided to clean it out when I noticed that a pregnant roach had kamikaze’d head first through a case fan. Her upper body was completely torn to shreds but she had managed to make it inside and laid her egg which hatched and dozens of babies lived in my computer. I was equal parts horrified and impressed.

  • Yep. I use a piece of software that lets me drag components onto a stage and will auto generate code in the back end. We can then add our own code to customize the components.

    I ran into a super cryptic error message while working on a time sensitive project and I was ripping my hair out trying to figure out what the hell was wrong. Turns out someone had pasted some code in from an email and the custom code editor displays the straight quotes and angles quotes exactly the same but the back end code generation fortunately displays them differently. The program didn’t like the character set for the quotes used in Outlook but didn’t give me the proper line number, the error made zero sense, and looking at the code didn’t show that anything was wrong.