I am not qualified to give you a comprehensive list of specific Palestinians murdered. However,
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Israeli_assassinations Is a good start, yes lots of those are legitimate war targets. You can always cross reference news articles from the days after the dates, and see a often recurring pattern. Young charismatic leaders who preach anything other than the total destruction of isreal are offed. Those who do are captured and used for trades. Further radicalizing everyone.
My point was that this has been a generational operational idea pruning away any Palestinian leaders who voiced direct opposition without Isreali genocide, and now all they had to do was stand down for two weeks and they’re at exactly the point they wanted to be in back in the 90s/00s. Except even better as the “occupied terretories” as they love to call it are smaller and more tightly packed then ever before. And the world will be turning a blind eye as they finally get to build their fascist apartheid
Agree! I love his works dearly! And the new netflix show is fantastic! But man oh man does his ramblings about almost anything get really really weird.