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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023

  • I haven’t done formal research on the topic, but as far as I can see this is correct- alcohol just lowers your inhibitions and makes you more suggestable, therefore easier to influence by your enviroment- you’re way more likely to be depressed and sipping whiskey slowly by yourself than partying with Coronas with lime.

    It would be interesting to look at regional ideas of what different alcohols are appropriate for and see if the “effects” change with it

  • Left Hand of Darkness surprised me, it was really good- i tried to read it years back and couldnt get past the slow politics in the beginning, but audiobook format helped. Tehanu was just stunning. I love how her books always hook me with an interesting plot, then leave me just sitting quietly, contemplating how I can be a more empathetic person. Her ability to show the value in people, even flawed ones is just amazing. I think my favorite read by her lately is The Lathe of Heaven.

  • The green text peer pressure means nothing to me, but you are 100% spot on about the ecosystem driving sales. My whole family uses apple and I get left out of so many group chats and face times that I’ve actually considered switching to Apple even though I’m a die hard Note fan. Apples hardware may be nothing special, but they have a killer feature in their seamless, closed ecosystem, and they know it. At the end of the day, a phones job is to communicate, and Apple does that seemlessly- with other Apple devices

  • I’m an advocate of safe injection sites, so I will agree somewhat here. Safe injection sites work because they identify addicts and aggressively supply them with resources to counteract the need for the addiction in the first place, all while encouraging less and less use. This is an approach that could have merit for pedophiles, but there are some issues that pop up with it as well that are unique- to consume a drug, the drug must enter the body somehow, where it is metabolized.

    CSAM on the other hand, is taken in simply by looking at it. There is no “gloves on” approach to generating or handing the content without absorbing it- the best that can be hoped for is have it generated by someone completely ‘immune’ to it, which raises questions about how “sexy” they could make the content- if it doesn’t “scratch the itch” the addicts will simply turn back to the real stuff.

    There is a slim argument to be made that you could actually create MORE pedophiles through classical conditioning by exposing nonpedophilic people to erotic content paired with what looks like children. You could of course have it produced and handled by recovering/in treatment pedophiles, but that sounds like it defeats the point of limited access entirely and is therefore still bad, at least to the ones in charge of distribution.

    Additionally, digital content isn’t destroyed upon consumption like a drug, and you have a more minor but still real problem of content diversion, where content made for the program is spread to those not getting the help that was meant to be paired with it. This is an issue, of course, but could be rationalized as worth it so long as at least some pedophiles were being treated.