Lmao, my autocorrect. I meant athenian
Lmao, my autocorrect. I meant athenian
Would be based as hell if almo brought back attendance democracy (without thr slaves)
Abusing a position of power for personal gain or nepotism. There are many actions that count as “abusing a position of pwer”.
Even though we live under capitalist hegemony, there are many things like embezzlement, favoritism, negligence and so on that a business owner could do that is frowned upon and/or illegal.
Even a sole trader who embezzles money from himself is committing a crime, as they are hiding their taxable income from the government. And even for favoritism, which is hard to prove, if you are being too blatant, others in the business will look down upon you. Because your decisions are not good for the firm.
To be fair, infinite monkeys would produce a coherent ideology very fast
Corruption is an abuse of trust.
You’ve just redefined corruption
by allowing a business owner to operate a business
There is no “allow”. The state’s protection is absolutely vital to the function of capitalism much in the same way that your skin is vital to your body.
Copying tech is not so easy, especially when much of high technology is designed with preventing such copying in mind (thanks capitalism for spending effort on important matters such as slowing down technological adoption).
Consolidating the investment banking industry in China is nice to see. It will probably be very helpful in both economic planning and having good alternatives to western banking (especially important given developments around BRICS).
I am wondering if there will be any negative effects to this move though. For example, until pretty recently, smaller chinese banks were doing business with Russia because they were insulated from the west. As much as I like centralisation, there is some benefit to having things disconnected at times.
Furthermore, I do not look forward to new liberal cope if some big Chinese investment bank becomes famous and successful like they did with huwaei.
while the broader economy sputters.
Is this still the liberal line on China? Over 5% real gdp growth is sluggish? That too for an upper middle income economy? While the first world struggles harshly?
I seriously doubt trump will de-escalate in Ukraine. Not only is he incredibly incompetent (he spent most of his time while president watching fox news and such), but he is also very impressionable and opportunistic.
Wait what? Actually? You mean these motherfuckers don’t even make their own judgements? Give me a map and some colors and even I can do more.
Like westerners are so addicted yo outsourcing they even outsource their opinions
The fact that the dollar and the euro are the world’s reserve currencies allows both America and the EU to do 2 crucial things.
Firstly, whenever a country prints money (they don’t exactly, the money supply increases when banks give out loans. Countries can loosen lending requirements/costs), it acts as a tax on everyone holding the currency, because the value of products purchasable by that currency is spread over more currency.
Since everyone holds dollars and euros, American and European banks are able to tax the world. The same applies to their treasuries, which increase the money supply by running deficits (financed by borrowing from their central banks).
Secondly, these countries can sanction individuals, organisations and countries by cutting them off from exchange markets (as described by soviet entropy), and by cutting them off from the swift banking system (which is tech to transfer financial messages/transactions internationally).
These are the 2 fundamental tools of imperialism, and practically define it. The role of currency in empire is so important in fact that the first currencies were invented by ancient empires to tax subjects.
BRICS becomes an obstacle to the American and European empires by offering financial alternatives, and allowing countries to, if they choose so, to free themselves from imperial currencies. But this capability hasn’t been fully developed yet.
You know you’re on to something when they could make a movie out of your theories
the main problem was not a lack of subsidies, but bureaucracy and a planned economy.
The fuck are they talking about?
It’s painful to see the article lay out the pieces but leave the puzzle unfinished like this. The PRC’s leadership would have no desire to upend the existing international order if this “order” wasn’t so intent on choking off any attempt at Communism.
The fact that the ideal wall street company is one with endlessly scalable profits but no capital assets is merely a confirmation of the labor theory of value. It means that capitalism is fundamentally incapable of maintaining or growing production beyond narrow horizons, except in the circumstance of genocide/prinitive accumulation, which the article unironically posits as a solution by invoking the settlement of the western United States.
I guess this is just the limit of how far a liberal can go, no matter how materialist their analysis is.
The Gaza Strip has been polio-free for the last 25 years. Health experts say Israel’s destruction of the territory’s health and sanitation infrastructure has been behind the outbreak of the deadly disease.
Unlimited polio upon the entity and it’s death squads.
genocidal neoliberal fascists
You just wrote fascist 3 times
with the drawbacks of neither.
They do have drawbacks from some elements of capitalism. The recent property crisis is an example
We know that tanks still work well when properly supported by other parts of he military tso they don’t get instantly blown up. this just means that Ukraine is not using the tanks they have with proper support. I wouldn’t be surprised, after all, they have a severe manpower shortage.