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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • I came back for Dragonflight and was really pleased with how the game had changed after I dropped it in Shadowlands. I played for 8 months, mostly healing PUG M+ up to +20 but put it on the backburner when the latest expansion to my other favourite MMO, Guild Wars 2, came out. Sadly, there’s only really enough time to play one MMO at a time, and GW2 has a long-term goal that I’m trying to reach right now that is a little more appealing than another season of M+. I’m looking forward to seeing what the Worldsoul Saga brings as well as catching up on the latest questlines when I do come back, though.

  • Nah, the final arc is huge, far too long for even a 2 cour season, and there’s still a mini arc before that to tie up a loose end from season 3. Plus, I doubt they’ve storyboarded any of the unreleased chapters yet. At a guess I’d expect this to be 13 eps, then a couple more years wait, then a 2-cour season and finally a tie-in movie to finish. That being said we still don’t know how many chapters remain so it could go on longer than that.

  • I think it’s because they changed the story a little from the source material to more neatly fit it into the format they needed for Season 1. To some people familiar with the source material, that’s heresy and absolutely destroyed the story. As a fellow anime-only, however, I felt the story was perfectly fine as it was told and I’m looking forward to seeing where they take it next season.

    After all, it’s not like they pulled a God of High School on us.

  • Silinde@lemmy.worldtoUKCasual@lemmy.worldDig Money
    1 year ago

    I think it’s more than fair to say if he’s earning and living with you, he should be paying (even on top of the chores). £100/mo is more than fair on £900 earnings, I’d even go so far as to say £50/week is reasonable given the prices right now.

    As for forgetting the chores, if he’s anything like I was at that age, I’d imagine he doesn’t care enough about the negative concequences of forgetting to do the chore to care about remembering, which is a hard thing to beat. It’s unlikely he understands the importance of doing chores, which will obviously create problems for others in the years to come as he moves into houseshares with others.

    The best solution I can think of is a two-pronged approach: speak to him and explain you’d like for him to be more responsible since he’ll be forced to be responsible for himself when he moves out. Second, start charging for keep too, but offer a return on rent if he remembers to put the bins out by a certain time (one that isn’t too late for you, since you will be the one that will be doing the job by default). Another idea I’ve seen, if you feel guilty taking more money than you need from him, is to keep aside some or all of it as savings for him, to give to him when he moves out to allow for him to pay his deposit and for anything he needs to buy when he moves in to his new place.

  • I guess I have a higher expectation for working content than you do. My surprise isn’t that a low priority task isn’t getting done (ignoring the fact that nobody from ArenaNet has stated what its priority is), it’s that it would be given such a low priority in the first place, and that the best course of action is to remove it as a daily rather than fix it. It’s even more surprising when you consider that entry into the mini-dungeon is hidden behind an achievement that the player can’t possibly know about without looking it up (which is probably a good argument for it not being a daily in the first place). Therefore you can spend half an hour or more just getting to the final room just to find out it’s bugged and to give up. It’s not a good look for a game that is relatively bug-free.

  • Silinde@lemmy.worldtoGuild Wars 2@lemmy.wtfEarly opinion
    1 year ago

    My experience has been similar to what was already posted, to be honest. I reached chapter 7 before finishing last night and found the story so far to be quite engaging. I like the new characters, and introducing them while removing the pact members from the story really makes it feel like we’re in a new era. I feel the narrative team has done a good job moving the story forward, so far.

    Skywatch Archipelago is a good map - decently sized with enough unique biomes to not get tired of it quickly. At first I felt it was a little bit of a cop-out to make a “Dragonfall” map with existing parts of the world, but when I really explored it, I realised the entire map is unique - and has some really interesting concepts at work in a ‘what-if’, fractal way. The meta is well designed and enjoyable, though the last boss already feels a bit tiresome and I’ve only done it three times so far. It also doesn’t help that the last boss bugged out on one of those tries, so we got nothing out of it. I haven’t explored too much of the hub yet, but it feels like a nice place with everything we need in a tight area, which I like. From what I’ve seen, it also doesnt have any NPCs giving the same dialogue every single time you walk past them, which is a big bonus.

    In regards to systems, I’m not blown away by the glyph system - most of the ones I’ve seen are useless to my spec, I’ve gained 4 so far and, at least for my main character, I don’t really feel like I want any more. I like how we were able to choose which ones we wanted, at least. However the daily system is a big downgrade in my opinion. I like how we can select what we want now instead of constantly being given items we don’t want, but that’s massively offset by the new daily/weekly system. I don’t want to guess ahead of time what content I want to do, and I don’t want to be forced to complete activities I don’t enjoy just to finish the daily / weekly path. The old system of choosing four of the available twelve activities worked great for me, all they needed to do was maybe remove some of the trivial ones like Mystic Forger, Forager, Vista Viewer and add in ones from EoD and SotO. Personally, I don’t want to be forced to log in for 30 minutes every day just to do my dailies, as well as be forced to do exactly what the game wants me to do with no exceptions. For me, GW2 is a casual game I’ll play for a time when not subbed to WoW or engaged with another game, but then I’ll want to drop back to 10-15 minutes of login, dailies and crafting when I’ve got other things to play. GW2 doesn’t have enough engaging current content for me to make it my “only game”, so forcing me to spend more time doing mundane daily tasks is just going to make me want to quit entirely, rather than engage with those systems. If the goal of the new system was to get me to spend more time in the game, they should’ve spent development time on making it more painless to do the content that already exists, and tell me what I’m missing out on, rather than make it more painful to do arbetary tasks. Thats just my opinion, though.

  • True, and this is the annoying thing about people unqualified to talk about AI giving their opinions online. People not involved in the industry hear “AI” and expect HAL-9000 or Ava from Ex Machina rather than the software that the weather service uses to predict if it will rain tomorrow, or the models your doctor uses to help determine your risk of Heart Disease.

    This is compounded further when someone makes a video simplifying what an LLM is and mentioning that the latest models use it, which leads to the chimes of “bUt iT’S jUsT aN Llm BrO iTs nOt AI” and “ItS jUsT a LOaD oF DaTa aND aLGorItHMs, tHaTs NoT AI”. A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing.