Checking out the Lemmy side of the sea—

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Yeah, that’s a pretty huge con honestly.

    My sheer frustration with all this tiny to grievous papercuts with Tailscale years on got the best of me— Even the Android Magic DNS bug only got fixed last month. But hey, I’m still using it, instead of ZeroTier so that’s something :D

  • ZeroTier pros:

    • Exit nodes don’t break if I lose wifi for a moment
    • Works with custom DNS setups out of the box
    • Allow-LAN actually works on Android, rather, is the default
    • No member limits for free
    • No need to disown devices and putting them into tags to be able to set SSH ACLs
    • Works out of the box with other overlay networks and VPNs

    ZeroTier cons:

    • No freemium tunneling feature
    • No convenient browser-based SSH that only admins can use for some reason
    • Not nearly as sexy

    Candles are punching above their weight these days, it seems

  • I did in fact use to add large padding to the menus back when it was possible, so I couse use my drawing tablet to navigate bookmarks! But alas…

    I think it’s a bug specific to how Firefox handles menus though. Case in point, it only does this some of the times, usually after two levels. Just a single level, and it stays open, except when the second level is too wide to fit to the space available to the right—

    As I was typing this I realized that is it. It doesn’t work if the new level cannot open to the right of the menu. Then, moving the mouse away slightly closes it. But now that I’ve moved the bookmark menu button to the left, it stays open for four or five levels deep!

    Gotta get used to the new location, but good enough!!

    (I know, I need to sort out my mess of a bookmarks collection. It’s almost two decade old, cut me some slack!)

  • I’ve never enjoyed longform campaign actual plays much either. It’s just not feasible to keep up with, and unless you’re playing, most campaign RPGs have too much bookkeeping to pay attention to. And even as a background listen, which I’m sure is how most people do it, gets dull.

    And yet I’ve watched quite a few though. It works only if I enjoy the people playing, their wits etc. I have no chemistry with Critical Roll, Mercer included. But really enjoyed Acquisition Incorporated: C Team.

    But these days the only kind of APs I find myself watching and consistently enjoying is faster indie RPG one-shots. In particular, Mystery Quest (YouTube) where Tom runs a one-shot for a rotating cast of friends (all of whom very funny people) each month. No miniatures, barely any rules referencing. The heaviest game they run is CoC, and it never gets in the way! There’s even a “duet” Thousand Year Old Vampire session that went surprisingly well.

    Anytime any other podcast or channel I already follow for their humor and chemistry does a one shot I also like to listen. The short ones are always a delight. No fatigue, no fomo. It works.

    I don’t think I’d ever even consider watching a campaign AP had I started here. There are just not fun unless you’re in them, playing.

  • I would like to know this as well.

    So far, it seems it’s a bit easier to do with Podman / “standard OCI containers” because they’re rootless and get stored in my home directory. But the solution I keep seeing is to move the directory and then symlink or mount bind the folder. I do the latter so that podman continues to work when that external drive isn’t connected.

    This does actually work, but I really don’t like it. Why isn’t there a way to store a container entirely in a specific location and then run straight from that location?

    The alternative is to provide Podman a custom storage.conf for a specific location. But that too is a “permanent” change. I would love to know a cleaner solution to portable containers!