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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Pro-Israel bots and astroturfers always come out of the woodworks posting whatever they can to make them look in the right/innocent/etc whenever stuff like this happens. They want the world at large to be on their side. It largely works, the things supporters will say about these people is disgusting. They don’t see them as people.

    In reality both sides have done horrible things and neither are fully in the right nor innocent. Israel will stop at nothing short of genocide and that has no place in the modern Era. Genocide should be condemned in all its forms. I dont support this war, but I also dknt blame them, they have been the subject to, again, genocide for decades. I can’t blame them for retaliation for years of torture and who knows what else that they successfully cover up. In the end, this is a long, and bloody conflict inherited from long before even before our grandparents’ era. It sadly won’t end in our generation, either.

  • “He/his” used for be acceptable for people/things of unknown gender as well. Point out a random animal on a walk to your parents and there’s a high chance that they will use male pronouns.

    In some obscure mmo I played as a kid, someone was referring to a famous mod with male pronouns, going how it is acceptable If you don’t know the gender and it’s more polite than the alternatives. Now this was long, long, long before agender, and other gendered terms were really a known thing. If you were to told someone you were gender fluid or something like that, they would look at you like you just grew a second head. I don’t quite remember what was said, or why it was being talked about, it was around 20 years ago now. Things have changed since then.

    I still fall back on the male pronoun default from time to time, but I try not to as much. But it is a learned behavior that is hard to break entirely.

  • I’m enjoying it for the most part, but it really, really bugs me that they keep calling the creature in legend an ogre when it’s clearly supposed to be an oni.

    And I was begrudgingly accepting it, like fiiine, I know it’s localization and dumb American kids might not know what an oni is, whatever.

    And it’s like pokemon actually wants to drive me insane! Because this “ogre” lives on top of Oni mountain!

    I know it’s a minor gripe all things considering.

    As an aside, Carmine is pretty insufferable.

  • Sacha@lemmy.worldtoData Is Beautiful@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    10 months ago

    Coco is good but Luca is incredibly mid imo. I just feel like it’s missing some important scenes, which makes the whole thing just feel… off. And what would have made a good movie become pretty well, mid.

    I’ve noticed this more and more with Pixar and Disney movies, I can just think of a bunch of scenes ranging from 1 minute to 20 depending on how you want to play it that would just complete the movie. Moana had this issue too but Moana was good without it. It would just be better imo.

  • You really did win the lottery! You are a wonderful man! I see now that you are a fantastic, loving person, with a PhD and masters degree in every subject. Oh how much I envy you and your perfect life. If only I could even grasp for such success.

    You must go into educateucstion so you can teach poor, unfortunate backwater yokels like me who are misguided by the belief that women, LGBT, people with physical and mental disorders, minorities, people of different beliefs, people that live in different countries, cities, incomes, and so on should be treated with understanding and respect.

    I will be sure to only respect (submit and obey) rich, white, straight, Christian males from now on. You should be proud, for I have sinned and learned my lesson. Thank you so much, my lord! Men should only be insulted only by how undesirable their wives are! After all women are the bane of all evil!

    I hope you find love and happiness and a wonderfully lobotomized wife who will never challenge or question you. After all, It is what you rich, white, Christian men like you deserve to have! Please! Throw her into the garbage once she hit 27 and is no longer of value! Thank you Lord! Please, i hope i forget how fo read! All hail DeSantis!

  • Sacha@lemmy.worldtoaww@lemmy.worldPoor Charlie has a broken ear!
    10 months ago

    But there is no a problem. There’s nothing wrong with him. Makeup “fixes” vitiligo but there’s nothing wrong with it. You should be proud of what you look like.

    It doesn’t affect his quality of life or his health, it doesn’t make him deaf or anything that would be fixed by both ears being the same. All it does it make him look like a mutt and disqualifies him from any dogs shows. Which are just superfluous standards that promote actual, debilitating deformities. Look at showdog German shepherds as an example. Poor things can’t even walk because of “aesthetics”. Bulldog and flat faced dog breeds are another famous example. They can’t breathe. They can’t swim. They can’t even reproduce normally.

    Your dog isn’t broken. There are no problems. And I’m afraid of any children you may have if you seriously hold views like this.

  • Sacha@lemmy.worldtoStarfield@lemmy.zipRating down at 77%
    10 months ago

    Creation engine is a double edge sword, on one had, it is super moddable. The mods you can put in for skyrim are insane. You can turn it into a completely different game.

    I would say that the game isn’t unpolished because of the engine though. Not in the ways I’m talking about anyway. The quests, dialog, locations, animations are all just a bit off, unpolished, and stiff. None of these really have anything to do with the engine aside maybe animations and locations. And given the eldersouls mods that give very animated combat animations, the combat mods that add wound systems and combos, etc, I don’t think that’s what’s holding them back.

    Yes creation engine is old, but I dont think it’s what makes the game feel unpolished for me.

  • Sacha@lemmy.worldtoStarfield@lemmy.zipRating down at 77%
    10 months ago

    I played a few hours but after a quest frustrated me I haven’t picked it up since.

    I did go through an abandoned science facility but it was just like going through a facility in fallout for me.

    I tried playing fo4 many times but could never really get far into it. The west time i tried a completely different playthrough where you are just cranked up on drugs and go in running with melee weapons, but that build takes a while to get going. I also tried actually building a settlement with that build and I couldn’t even make a square room and gave up lol. (There was always a gap no matter how I placed the walls…)

    I see you can build crazy ships and maybe that might be fun.

    But I don’t know, the game doesn’t quite do it for me.

  • Sacha@lemmy.worldtoStarfield@lemmy.zipRating down at 77%
    10 months ago

    Starfield is the classic Bethesda experience but the hype around it implied it wouldn’t be. The classic Bethesda experience is fine, it’s a good base of a nice, free-form game that lacks polish. They are also games that need at least a few mods to actually be good. Vanilla Skyrim, etc sucks after you start modding it. Even if all you download is an end, a weather, the unofficial patch, and the better dialog and message box controls mods. Playing starfield I was immediately like “where is better dialog and message box controls?”

    The game has potential but a thing that bothers me is landing on a planet and it says I explored 90% of it before I even exited the ship. I went to earth and there was no evidence of there ever being life and major cities. No ruined homes, no cities, no like… Mt Rushmore head that broke off and found where it isn’t supposed to be, no statue of liberty torch. Nothing. They could have crafted a really cool ruined earth and instead it was just… sand and rocks. What do you think is behind that rock? Another rock. And when it comes to Earth, you don’t need to have everything be where it needs to. The tip of a pyramid in Egypt makes sense but I see nothing wrong with finding the broken Washington monument in the middle of what was the Atlantic ocean. Or the broken big Ben in the middle of what was Japan. If any planet should have gotten randomly generated assets of ruins or even just manually crafted, it should have been Earth.

    Most planets are empty and give you almost no reason to explore them. The game is about exploring planets, but playing this game makes me want to play Starbound instead.

    I also don’t know why everyone compares it to Skyrim when I feel like I’m playing Fallout 4 instead of Skyrim. Skyrim would have been an improvement, I wasn’t a fan of FO4.

  • When I first started messing with it, I was kind of neat and fun. I like making characters so I was using it for like story prompts and general outlines. Some were better than others, but it was neat for some inspiration and fleshing out. I never took it’s outputs 1:1.

    But when I messed with it again recently. It was a lot worse. Like it ignored parts of my prompt. Like as an example a prompt was about a romance story, but the story was about character A and their family. The love interest character was barely a footnote and could have been removed entirely and nothing would have changed with the story outlines it was giving me.

    I thought maybe it doesnt like romance prompts, so I tried less specific and more broad prompts from there, and it was the same thing of just… not outputting what I was asking it to. It got worse and worse and sometimes wouldn’t output anything at all.

  • Airports tend to be like that in the west, it was similar when I visited Mexico too. A taxi right outside the airport was a lot more expensive than the taxis across the street. The airport used to have a overhead walk way (which did suck to travel with luggage since it was quite a few steps), but I’m pretty sure they removed it since and the airport is on a major highway.

    The airports in Montreal has a bunch of shuttles. Pretty much every nearby hotel runs a shuttle. But it’s not walkable there either.