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  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • 128gb here. I sit constantly between 40 and 70gb in use. Heavy multitasking between Internet, professional, gaming, and creative outlets can sometimes push near 90.

    16 was the pcmr standard in 2010, but is a complete joke now. 32g is the new 8gb now. “Casual” pc usage is way, WAY heavier now: nobody just uses a computer for only one thing anymore, they use it for multi-window browsing, music, and YouTube, along with the new standard of everybody plays games and nobody wants to close shit just to play a game.

    Games are heavierweight and the only reason it’s as low requirement as they are is because of console peasants. CS2 is like 100gb storage, up from the laughable ~2gb in csgo. That’s just not how the world works anymore. The economy has chosen ease of development and priority on graphical fidelity over deep design complexity. Shit; Starfield is basically just a 200gb graphics mod of Morrowind.

    And then you have heavy users like us, who actually use bleeding edge functions, who have grown up wanting better and more, experimenting and not trusting and wanting to pay cloud. Despite the neon gamer rog chrome and black image, I’d be willing to bet almost every person here in this thread has at least one HDD currently in use (take note of these demographics: fediverse, English speaking, pcmr, aware of RAM) - and the reason is because they’re cheap, fairly reliable storage and we all ain’t made of money. Ironic because of the amount of RAM being discussed.

    32GB has been the new 16GB for probably five years, and realistically, 64GB is actually what you should be getting when you upgrade/make a new build.

    Reason: 64GB, right this minute, is one double above “just cutting it”.

  • I think in this dynamic, Microsoft+XBox has done by far the most damage to gaming, and so has the least amount of karma and trust. Whereas Sony had free, great online multiplayer services on even the PS2, Microsoft quickly ripped off everybody else’s consoles, relied on Halo to sell, has the worst everything, and has pushed the majority of anti-consumer practices in both gaming and the wider technology markets.


    Less infighting, more eating of the rich. Pay the devs, not the landlords. The capitalism system is broken and breaking further. The cost of goods is defined by how much workers need to be paid to make it, and then multiplicatively inflated by how much greed that BILLIONAIRE CLASS wants.

    Government is for the people, by the people, that’s the ONLY reason it exists. People in, and that want to be the billionaire class have declared war on the rest of us, and it’s the government’s sole purpose to protect the well-being and will of the people.

    The government MUST serve the people.

    If it can’t, the highest priority is it MUST be fixed immediately.

    The longer we flail and wait, the more that obviously hostile class of people grow in power and make fixing this a more and more serious issue.

    Like any good leader, if you are failing in your duties, you must self-correct, elect an adequate replacement, or you must be removed, by your own will or by force.

    Because life-time is too precious to waste waiting for the conflict to come to a head and burst.

    That hostile class is doing everything possible to prevent any of this. Calm down, diffuse, obfuscate, confuse, project, gaslight, lie, cheat, steal, destroy, and gain power to RULE above the-will-of-the-people: the government.

  • You really have to be careful. Sometimes browser add-ons can really fuck with your search results. A YouTube enhancer extension was a culprit at one point. If you’re on Android, it’s possible for apps to do this too. Stuff is constantly being patched and blacklisted, but it might not be purely the search engine’s fault. I don’t main Google anymore, but I still occasionally do use it when other engines let me down, and Google has been different enough.

    I’m not saying it’s worse or not worse, but that, if it’s REALLY bad, it’s also possible it’s something else.

    Edit (a week later): no, Google has actually gotten weirdly worse recently. Confirmed on multiple PCs. Not sure if it’s just Google, the entire spread of the internet, or just search engines getting SEOd.

  • It has been an absolute gift to be part of and watching that/this growth. Seeing posts on a new platform go from something like 10/day to the, now, probably, hundreds, if not thousands per day.

    I remember in late May/early June this year (2023, when this place really came alive, for archival sake), seeing the posts on Reddit about the ACTUAL api changes, then that evolving into a bit of vocal protest, which surprisingly evolved into an ACTUAL protest with a lot more information why. It was the last straw for me. Everything the world has shit on me and my generation and lifetime, all of it from selfishness and ignorance and greed. Then musk bought Twitter and immediately drove it face first into the ground at high speed and got support by most of the worst demographics on the face of the planet - and I didn’t even care about Twitter. But, a long-standing media giant, brought down by a billionaire simply because he had the money? It was if all of our intuitive fears about the world being awful just came true in real time, over, and over, and over, and over. The past fifteen years have been so bad, it’s actually insane, and it’s nuts to think that it can still be way way worse.

    And then along came this dried out, greedy ass, shameless, two faced, wannabe psychopath who IDOLIZED Musk, Hoffman/spez, and just shits in the faces of everybody on Reddit that ever cared about anything. The very people trying to make the world a better place at least for a little while, pleading with him not to be THAT greedy and shitty. And he just spread open his wonderbread buttcheeks, stared us all in the eyes, looked away, smiled into a mirror, and blasted out what was left of his rotten, liquefied spine. RIP Aaron.

    Everybody saw it coming, yet we were still all shocked at how blatantly greedy and manipulative every single event was. Now, he’s just trying to wait it out and let it quiet down.

    I’m still convinced this or an evolution of this will be Web3.0. The evolution past megacorps as a result of direct abuse of power, anti-competitive and other dark behaviors, anti privacy, ultra-rich maximizations of profits, and late stage capitalism. Decentralization and a reinvigoration and re-emphasis on integrity and quality, put truly into the hands of the users by stripping abilities of people like musk to literally capitalize on and destroy is hugely paramount in the next step. We all want it, the world needs it, and maybe the Fediverse is it. Maybe, maybe not. It feels like the right direction and I’ve had enough bullshit to know it.

  • It’s a hot take, but I agree with you.

    Actually, I try to find a noise overlay that emotionally simulates the nostalgia effect, minimizes the looks-like-shit effect, but then also makes sure to impart the minimum amount of dither needed to technically have it look it’s best.

    Less is more, and even back in the day, a lot of these games on crappy CRTs looked like absolute trash. A lot of them were bright, colorful, and actually good, but a lot of them just looked like smeary poopoo.

    If I can just squint my eyes and it looks better than your filter, you’re doing it wrong. I think it takes a high nit display, vsync, with the right array of colors to hit the crt emulation just right.

    Just go get an old tv at this point, damn. You’ll get the buttons, the sound of it turning on, the high pitched whistle of it just being on, the smell of the burning dust, the ozone or whatever smell too, the brightness, the curve, the colors, the emotional risk of hitting the wrong channel and blasting yourself with full volume white noise and having to panic look for the volume buttons or the remote… You can even use the in-tv speakers to output sound! Tv speakers were actually decent before flat screens.

    Am I selling us all on this idea, yet? ;P

  • There was an episode of vsauce or veritasium or cgpgrey several years ago that kind of talked about this a little bit. Basically, inside and outside of us, alongside covering all of our things and everything we touch and are around and other people, are all part of an extended network of poop particles and bacteria.

    You get sick when new things get past your exterior & interior poop network of bacterial defenses. Same for anyone, anywhere. It’s all just how much, how fast, and how far and how new, the new bacteria and viruses get. If it gets too far, too fast, we might die.

    But, people are disgusting and COVERED IN POOP BACTERIA AND VIRUSES and so we’re all fairly familiar with everything, and nothing is too different.

    COVID-19, for example, was very different and spread in large amounts very quickly, I believe it’s why it’s called a “novel” virus. It was different enough that it just waltzed past all our defenses and killed millions of people. And then, it mutated enough, and quickly enough, that when it came back to us with the new form, our immune systems were like “damn this one virus came in here and caused a ton of damage, but for some reason we don’t know exactly what it looks like. Are you that virus or it’s relative?” And the mutation was like, “uhhh, no?” And the security guard/immune system was all, “okay, come on through.” And it would get us sick again.

    Biology is weird and epidemiology is incredibly difficult when half the population is fucking homeschooled and thinks horse dewormer helps this type of thing or that it’s fake or something.