• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • TLDR: do memtest on your RAM

    I recently had an issue for quite some time where my computer would occasionally just hard crash. When it first started happening I tried many of the common tests including memcheck but found nothing. For a while it wasnt super common so I just lived through it. I thought it was an OS thing but it occurred on a different Linux distro and even on the ancient Windows 10 install I have but rarely use. I was just about to pull the trigger on replacing mobo and maybe even CPU+RAM. Before I did that I followed someone’s suggestion to do a mem test. I could have at least sworn that I already did that and it came clean but it was an easy enough test to run, so why not.

    Sure enough, found an error. I isolated the faulted DIMM, pulled it out and I haven’t had a crash since. Crazy since I’m all but certain I did both memtest from a Linux live iso and the Windows memory checking utility.

    In short, test your RAM. Do multiple passes. Maybe even just try swapping out single DIMMs and running on that for a reasonable ammount of time to see if you can isolate a culprit. It was my first thought when the issue first occurred because it’s usually what causes stuff like that. When the tests came up clean originally I assumed it had to be something else. I was wrong.

  • main thing to note is that NFS is an object based storage (acts like a share) where iSCSI is block based (acts like a disk). You’d really only use iSCSI for things like VM disks, 1:1 storage, etc. For home use cases unless you’re selfhosting (and probably even then) you’re likely gonna be better off with NFS.

    if you were to do iSCSI I would recommend its own VLAN. NFS technically should be isolated too, but I currently run NFS over my main VLAN, so do what ya gotta do

  • I’m a logseq user of about 6 months and overall really like it. It’s mostly built around the daily journal, which mostly works if you lean into it. I basically write what I did, todo’s or random thoughts for the day in there. I typically segregate my root bullet points into a handful of main “buckets” like a job, client or project. I used to do those with a hashtag like #job1 but moved to page tags like [[job1]] with sub bullets for main tasks, todos, notes, etc from each. i have many relevant hashtags for relevant subsystems/topics relating to the main ones.

    from there I have setup some basic pages for things like [[job1]] with a query to show TODOs with that task (see below), then some relevant reference notes, and sometimes some links to bullets from previous journals if i find i will likely reference them frequently. you also can see below the linked references, which is frequently useful. i also frequently put tags to other tags, pages, etc. within to help map everything together

    here’s an example of a very basic query I would keep at the top of the [[job1]] page {{query (and [[job1]] (task NOW LATER DOING IN-PROGRESS TODO WAIT WAITING))[[job1]]}}

    to your above, you have #workimprovements, you can either just jot those at the root as they come to you and include the full hashtag, or you could have a starting section of either [[workimprovements]] with various ideas below, but i would also suggest adding in other relevant hashtags for subtypes, areas, etc. another tip about hashtags, don’t go crazy with them – too many hashtags just makes a mess – but don’t skimp on them either. If you think you’ll use it frequently enough, or at least want to go back and reference it easily in the future, make a hashtag. you can use the hashtag plugin after the fact to find unused and remove hashtags you didn’t end up using.

    one thing I really wish they would add is similar to hashtags, but for people. Right now, I “tag” people with an @ in front of their name, so I might have @BobS requested X which sort of helps to go back and search for things related to @BobS, but it’s not natively done for fully fleshed out. It would be awesome if there was either native or a plugin functionality to more gracefully tie it together

    anyway, there’s my logseq ramble, hopefully it helps.

  • yeah, the clickbait title almost turned me off, but I did end up watching video. I’m not really into STT (or voice assistants in general), but the keyboard they are allegedly working on does sound pretty sweet and I would definitely be interested in that.

    Being that even if you go to their site https://futo.org there is no mention that I could see of this STT/voice input product, I wonder if I’ll ever be able to find out about said keyboard, should it actually release. For reference, the direct link to the voice input site is https://voiceinput.futo.org

    edit: I also wanted to add that I was unaware of the saved recordings thing, which is horrifying, yet unsurprising… makes me glad I don’t/didn’t use STT… I think… maybe I should go check…

  • Yeah. I often kick myself for getting an nvidia card. My former distro was Ubuntu so I’m familiar with it from that end. I can see how having a constantly updating kernel could cause pain with the nvidia drivers. Even on leap or Ubuntu any tine the nvidia drivers updated it took a fair bit of extra time for regular apt/zypper processing kernel stuff and whatnot.

    im going to keep a sharp eye on slowroll. I might be crazy enough to (eventually) try to convert from leap 15.5 to tumbleweed to slowroll. If it all blows up I was probably going to have to do that anyway.