Kericake🥕 (They(/It))

Also maybe Riikka, or maybe formerly Riikka.
Meep :3
They/Them, also transer than a box of transistors! wiggles transly
Very cute, but also weird and sometimes kinda sharp
Has been rescued…? ominous music plays

  • 1 Post
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: November 26th, 2023


  • [Sarcastic ‘translation’] tl;dr: A lot of people who are relatively well-placed to understand how much technology is involved even in downvoting this post are downvoting this post because they’re afraid of technology!

    Just more fad-worshipping foolishness, drooling over a buzzword and upset that others call it what it is. I want it to be over but I’m sure whatever comes next will be just as infuriating. Oh no, now our cursors all have to change according to built-in (to the cursor, somehow, for some reason) software that tracks our sleep patterns! All of our cursors will be obsolete (?!??) unless they can scalably synergize with the business logic core to our something or other 😴

  • Whose tires? My licence expired before I fled up here :3

    Unfortunately, buses also tend to use tires. And roads. Maybe some melty mould would work, though! Maybe if it somehow targets cars or things used only/mainly by cars, or just use it later when places get walkabler as a response to the damn cars being rendered ineffective. Oh, and maybe light rail can be a bigger thing! Dunno how good that would be but fuck cars!

  • I kinda want there to be a super-weed that can tear up an entire parking lot in under a week 🤔 Also this thing should appear in every parking lot simultaneously and be immune to any herbicide that doesn’t also melt the buildings next to where it’s used.

    … I’m growing a special new distaste for cars lately. I still need buses, so I guess roads can stay <.< For now >:O

  • Stack-based funs! Forth, min, Cat, something like that :3

    Which isn’t to say that I think they should necessarily take over for C or Kotlin or Lua or anything at all, just I think they’re kinda neat and like to see more neat things around. Also please someone Forthify some CodeWars katas or otherwise bring us Forth enjoyers some fresh ones 😅

  • I don’t hate you, I just hate your one-indexed table-shaped horror language ;P

    But actually would anyone really hate someone for liking Lua? I hope not. That’s weird, even as someone who finds the language kinda obnoxious. Maybe I’m reading too much into the “hate” part and it wasn’t meant so severely 😅

  • car free areas

    Oooo that’s an exciting phrase :D

    So I’ve kinda been liking buses. Well, “like” is maybe a strong word but they get the job done? My one experience on light rail wasn’t great. Flew in during the evening, got led around a little bit, sat on a train full of smoke 😅 Maybe I’ll have a different experience if I have a chance to try again. Buses during the day, though, pretty comfy. … If I ever get a “life” going maybe my tune will change from some kinda rush-hour bus pain 😅

    Worse than driving, though? Hmmmm. At least the bus fights should be more interesting than re-reading bumper stickers for the forty-seven millionth time.

  • Just kinda felt like sharing this somewhere 🤷 Kindof a random little rant, but the whole “fuck cars” thing hits a little differently after some time on foot than it did when I just didn’t go anywhere. Didn’t really seem deserving of its own top-level post soooo hopefully nocritter minds if I ramble a little here 😅

    Finding myself carless in a city that’s somewhat bus-able, I’ve found myself repeatedly irritated by how unfriendly everything is to foot traffic. There’s very much a feeling of being second-class when I step outside, like “Get the hell off the ground, you’re making the cars feel unsafe!” Often there aren’t even sidewalks, or the sidewalk is only on one side of the road so I’ve got to cross the road to avoid just walking on it (or become a goat and walk sideways next to it on the same side, I guess?). Walking anywhere at all feels like I’m a nuisance to all’ the cars because everywhere I’ve been so far (a bit of Minneapolis, for the curious) is designed for cars and against people. Even crossings kinda piss me off because the whole point of those and everything else traffic-related is the cars, and getting pesky people out of the way of the previous cars.

    I kinda wanna move somewhere that isn’t so damn car-happy just to experience it. …And then maybe refuse to leave >:D If only 😅 Maybe I can get adopted as a rescue animal or refugee or something.

    Anyway, Fuck Cars! They’re noisy and pollutey and ugly and they’re in my way!