Thank you for the feedback!
Tbh, I saw ben vallack’s videos that used ergogen to build some keyboard - but I didn’t put that much effort trying to learn kicad; this Will be my excuse to try that out! At the same time, Joe scotto tempted with his guide to handwiring and it felt like a breeze, but It Is a time consuming process that can lead to a lot of problems if It isn’t used a good soldering iron.
Still thank you for the tip on the grid size and angles! Surely Will Speed up the process
Just to give some extra inspiration,
The multitouch gestire would be kinda unusable, but for scrolling I suggest to steal the same gestire from the japanese Toshiba laptops. They have a circular trackpad and for scrolling use the Edge of the trackpad with clockwise and counter-clockwise movement.
I know that I made It sound confusing, but if you see a video of that in action Will be Easy af to understand!