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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • They did give a reason though:

    “Our overall goal is to provide a safe space to disenfranchised persons.”

    That goal is fundamentally incompatible with an open medium where they don’t have full control over every participant. That’s why they have already defederated from any large instance that allowed open registrations months ago and have only continued to cut ties rather than to mend them.

    BeeHaw’s definition of “nice” isn’t your or my definition of “nice”. It allows no dissent or opposing views on most subjects and more so, it doesn’t even allow for its members to be exposed to different ideas, however briefly.

    They are trying to build the perfect echo chamber, free from anyone not “nice”. You simply cannot build such a chamber if you don’t have full control over every aspect of it.

    BeeHaw’s entire concept would have been far more suitable for an old bulletin board style forum, the kind that is all but extinct today, but not for an open (in every sense if the word) platform.

    I’m writing this as someone whose views actually align pretty well with those of BeeHaw’s - with the exception of their heavy handed approach to anything and anyone not fully aligned with them.

    Their stated goal simply isn’t achievable outside of a sealed environment, so, no, Lemmy probably isn’t for them. They should look into phpBB and co.

  • “Oh no, they’ll contaminate a lot of goods that were prepared for recycling and endanger the health of the people involved in that process chain.”

    When corrected, most people don’t double down on their own, accidental, misinformation. The fact that you chose to be defensive and sarcastic instead, speaks a lot about the kind of person who dumps mercury in the recycling bin with the expectation that others will clean it up.

  • Same here. It was my second favorite Reddit client (after Boost, and, for a while, Dash), but I feel he priced himself right out of the market. I’m waiting to see what Boost for Lemmy has to offer and at what cost.

    I never really warmed up to Infinity for Reddit, but I’ll give it another shot. Connect and LiftOff aren’t bad either for being this early in development and Voyager just came out swinging.

  • PurpleTentacle@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlI like the web app more.
    11 months ago

    It’s 22€ (24.50 USD) here. To the commenter who said that’s “one MacDonald,'s meal”, every single large McMenu here is under 10€. With the usual coupons, you’re looking at the cost of McDonald’s for my entire family, not just one meal.

    I can still, comfortably, afford blowing that much money on an app. But it doesn’t even get me any of the many “Ultra” features (that’s 110€). Looking at the Ultra page, ljdawson has already made clear that almost all planned Lemmy quality of life features will be pay-gated.

    It’s also a huge gamble: we have no idea how financially viable Sync will be in a much smaller and far more hostile to non-FOSS apps, community. Heck, I opted out of tracking (like most EU-members of Lemmy would have) and the app isn’t even loading any ads at all, the revenue generated for ljdawson is zero.

    Ljdawson has already suspended development of the original Reddit client on at least one occasion even though it was massively successful. Don’t think for a second he won’t cut his losses and run if he doesn’t consider the Lemmy client a financial success. The “lifetime” purchase might buy you another 10 years of maintained and polished usage, it might buy you six months. It’s a gamble.

    Instead of blowing the cost of a small (McDonald’s) or a large (Amusement Park) family outing on my second-favorite former Reddit client, I’m waiting for Boost to come out, with hopefully slightly more sensible pricing.

  • Boost is the one I’m looking forward to with by far the most excitement. It was my favorite Reddit client. While I’d be happy enough with Sync, it was always 2nd to Boost for me and this launch and the extremely premium pricing haven’t left me with the best first expression.

    I also have the feeling that ljdawson will be the first to cut their losses if the client doesn’t perform as expected on this platform, which makes me extra hesitant to dish out for 22€ or 115€ lifetime payments.

  • I used several Reddit apps over the years, mostly Relay, Sync, Dash (rip) and Boost. Boost and Sync were my favorites in the end, with a slight preference for Boost (per subreddit view settings and a much better gallery view being the core reasons).

    I bought them all and even subscribed to Sync Ultra several times since its inception. I’ll subscribe to Sync for Lemmy as well, at least until Boost comes out - my ad-filter is preventing the ads from loading anyway and I’ll feel better subscribing.

    But I will break with my rule to purchase the ad-free version of any app if it’s available on this occasion. 22€ is simply too much to gamble on an app with an uncertain future and a flaky history. ljdawson already paused work on Sync on at least one occasion and is almost certainly going to do it again if this financial gamble isn’t working out.

  • Wow, you weren’t kidding. That’s literally more than 10 times what I paid for the original Sync for Reddit Pro (standalone, without the ad- and tracking framework).

    That’s “I want to technically offer a one-time-payment option, but don’t want people to actually use it”-pricing, especially since it doesn’t come with any of the additional subscription features.

    I just went from “cool, this will probably be my new home” to “I can’t wait to see what Boost has to offer”.

    As someone who bought the premium version of pretty much every single 3rd Party Reddit client (and just about every app I use that allows for ad-removal), this might be the first one I’ll skip.