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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • I finally took the time and played through the souls series. I’m still going through 3 right now but they are all great games (2 less so). I’m not a complete stranger to the series (I’ve beaten Bloodborne, Demon’s Souls, Elden Ring, and Sekiro) but I’ve never actually sat through the main series. Gotta say it did not disappoint. DS2 had some moments that were a slog but even with the dip in quality it’s still a great game, just the worst of the Souls-like games.

    Also been playing BG3 and Disco Elysium in between.

    Next few years are gonna have a lot to compete with in terms of the sheer quality of games I waited to play until this year.

  • Fucking liberals. You care so much about law and decoram that you will argue a mass killing done by a state isn’t a genocide because of “legal definitions”. I can’t imagine caring that much about what a bunch of suits and papers say when people are being slaughtered for living in the place they and their parents have lived for generations.

    Btw Rape is as much a legal term as genocide. So those 1960s housewives whose husbands forced themselves on did not get raped by your logic, making you a rape apologist.

    You either believe this is a genocide and that’s rape or you believe it’s not genocide and not rape because they’re both “legal concepts”

  • Definition of Genocide from Oxford:

    The deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular race or nation.


    Does that look like targeted bombings to you? To me it like like they’re bombing anything and everything. And with the missiles they have you know they could pick out exact targets if they wanted to. (like that ambulance red cross told them was transporting critically injured before they bombed it)

    Please tell me how them purposefully leveling a city is not a deliberate killing of a large group of people of a particular Nation. Or bombing the injured, cutting off their communication THEN telling them they have 24 hours to leave before soldiers march in and treat everyone there as Hamas members. Do you really not see genocidal intent?

    Also legal definitions aren’t the end-all be-all. Legally a man could not rape his wife until the 90s. He force himself on her as much as he wanted and it was not rape. Does that mean wives were never raped? Think past laws and look at the situation, look at what Israel is doing, the words they’re using to justify it and how those words dehumanizing words are the same ones used by other groups before/during their genocides. They intend on killing Palestinians and are doing it en masse as the world stands by. They are committing a genocide and just because worse things have happened to other groups doesn’t mean the bad shit isn’t happening to this group.

    Is a woman who was coerced into sex while drunk any less of a rape victim than the woman who was beaten an inch away from death during her rape? What about the wife who was raped by her husband in 1980 when the law didn’t recognize it?

    They’re all rape

    It’s all genocide

    It’s all wrong

  • I don’t blame them for how they feel either but that doesn’t make those feelings any less wrong

    Read what you respond to without trying to get a gotcha. It’s not their fault. They’re still wrong for being anti-semetic. The fault still lies solely on Israel for their anti-semitism and Hamas existing.

    Don’t ignore reality because it’s inconvenient. You’re on the right side either way so just be honest with the beliefs of Palestinians. I’m honest with my families belief, but guess what? I still support Palestine because it’s not about them being anti-semetic. It’s about them being the victims of apartide and genocide

  • I think you’re misattributing them not doing something with them not being able to do something. I’m telling you, the anti-semetism I’ve heard does not stop with Israel. It’s literal Jews control the world and must be eliminated rhetoric. Nazi shit. Ik what Hamas is made up of and why they exist, but that doesn’t mean they don’t want to kill all Jews. Hamas in particular with that, people who have been made into orphans, have had their family killed, their land stolen are the most likely to be anti-semetic especially when the people doing it to them are the ones telling them “we represent all jews”. They’re a group of extremists purposefully created by Israel and they’re playing their part very well in Israel’s genocide.

    Defend Palestinians, but don’t be naïve about how many of them feel towards Jews. I don’t blame them for how they feel either but that doesn’t make those feelings any less wrong. And it also doesn’t mean Israel is right in their actions. They’re the ones with all the power and they’re the ones who crafted the situation they’re in. They hold all the blame and should stop what they’re doing regardless of the sentiment Hamas or any Palestinian holds towards them.

    You don’t have to ignore their anti-semetism to be right about Israel being in the wrong for committing genocide, or to be right about Palestinians having the right be free in their land. Ignoring it only makes it harder to convince and talk to people who know about it.

  • A significant portion of Palestinians want to be rid of jews. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard extraordinarily anti-semetic things from my family that escaped Palestine. And if that’s the case think about how the people who still live there feel. At the very least I was able to convince my dad that his problem was with the state of Israel and not Jewish people (all the Jews who spoke out were a big help in that), but for my family that lives a half a world a way that’s not something I can reasonably do.

    To be clear fuck Israel and Palestinians should be free from their oppressors. But both of them want ethnic cleansing it’s just that only Israel has the power to do it (it also doesn’t help that Israel killed/black bagged all the major speakers/organizers who weren’t extremists throughout the 70s-90s)

    Also from the river to the sea is not inherently anti-semetic