Peter_jordanson [doe/deer,any]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2020


  • I couldn’t Stomach Bojack for more than the first season; To elaborate, for the few episodes i watched i think the episodic cartoon format of the show worked against it; Because it felt like the monster of the week exercise was more of a “Bojack’s little atrocity of the week;” And it wore me down before i could watch more. Maybe the show got better afterwards, but for what i saw the format got very stale.

    I’m not even that type of person who’s expecting a moral or happy ending in a story, But for this particular character in a spiral of self destruction, i feel i’ve seen it portrayed better in other shows like say “fleabag” Where he overarching plot lets me see at least a semblance of progression and understand the quirks of the character. Maybe it’s just that I find American television too slow. “last two seasons” Makes me thing there is more than three?

    Also people who watched Bojak; How do you feel the show’s Handling of mental illness holds up against critics of modern psychology like Ashley Frowley? A little example: