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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • You can use Firefox bookmarks to do this. Select as many tabs as you want, right click, and you can create a bookmark folder containing all your tabs. When you want to reopen them, right click on the bookmark folder, then click “Open All Bookmarks” if you want to open all of them at once.

  • Right, I understand that there are decisions that marketing teams make to make their email campaigns more seamless. But there are also ways to do this campaign while maintaining some transparency and making it clear that Mozilla is, in fact, the sender. I would expect that from Mozilla, but unfortunately they didn’t do that here.

  • PeachMan@lemmy.worldtoPrivacy@lemmy.mlSearching for a Linux distro
    4 months ago

    What features do you specifically want? You mentioned sandboxing. Anything else?

    I’d say just keep it simple. If you’re comfortable with Debian then stick with that, study up and learn how to harden it. Kali, ParrotOS, Mint, Ubuntu…they’re all just based on Debian with different preinstalled apps and desktop environments. Fedora and Arch are kinda weird and unique, I’m not sure if I’d recommend those for anyone, unless you KNOW that’s what you need. Qubes seems interesting, I’m not familiar with that.

    But I’ll point out that ALL of these distros are miles ahead of Windows in terms of privacy. So just by using Mint for a while, you were already ahead of the curve.

  • This seems like EXACTLY the type of game I would pirate, if I was still a teenager pirating games. Something without online play (or with online play that I don’t care about) that looks kinda dumb but maybe it could be funny, and I don’t feel like it’s worth full price. So I would just pirate it, play it halfway through, get bored, and delete it.

    I’m too old for that shit now, I don’t want viruses on my PC because I store things on there that are actually IMPORTANT, instead of just porn and video games. But back then, I’d risk a virus for this mediocre-looking Suicide Squad game.

  • I don’t have a great answer to your question, but you might be able to find a relatively cheap car that isn’t “smart” and doesn’t have a touchscreen or anything. Do they make those anymore? Then, you could add an aftermarket stereo receiver to it, like some of the options in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4t1GdI9UsEI

    Yes, that’s still a “smart” stereo but it’s NOT connected to any of the car manufacturer’s metrics or systems, right? So the separation makes it seem more privacy-friendly to me. I could be thinking about this incorrectly, but it seems logical to me. There might be some stereo receivers that are more private than others, but you’d have to do your own research for that.