• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • With the difference that the industrial revolution created a lot of new jobs with better pay. While AI doesn’t. I see people suggesting that this has happened before and soon it will turn the economic situation into something much better. But I don’t see that at all. Just because it’s also a huge revolution, doesn’t mean it will have the same effects.

    As you have written, people will have to switch into manual jobs like layering bricks and wiping butts. The pay in these jobs won’t increase just because more people have to work them.

  • Your fear is in so far justified as that some employers will definitely aim to reduce their workforce by implementing AI workflow.

    When you have worked for the same employer all this time, perhaps you don’t know, but a lot of employers do not give two shits about code quality. They want cheap and fast labour and having less people churning out more is a good thing in their eyes, regardless of (long-term) quality. May sound cynical, but that is my experience.

    My prediction is that the income gap will increase dramatically because good pay will be reserved for the truly exceptional few. While the rest will be confronted with yet another tool capitalists will use to increase profits.

    Maybe very far down the line there is blissful utopia where no one has to work anymore. But between then and now, AI would have to get a lot better. Until then it will be mainly used by corporations to justify hiring less people.

  • ParsnipWitch@feddit.detoMemes@lemmy.mlImportant distinction
    5 months ago

    What is “too far” though? Is raising your children to follow specific religious rules already too far? Because I think it is, but many others think that’s okay. What about expecting your surroundings to accommodate your religion? At what point exactly is that going too far?

  • ParsnipWitch@feddit.detoData Is Beautiful@lemmy.mlNew gender gap
    5 months ago

    Which of those issues are in place because men are oppressed as being inferior instead of being gender expectations that feminism targets? Meaning: which are a consequence of gender expectations?

    High suicide rate is connected to men more likely to have access to guns and because they are less likely to go to a doctor because of gender expectations.

    Loneliness is on the rise for everyone. Some studies find more loneliness in women. The idea of “the male loneliness epidemic” is meme that just generates tons of clicks and engagement. It’s not real.

    For the work place it’s again a problem of gender expectations. It’s not because people see men as inferior.

    So are the next three.

    Men are actually more likely to get custody if they ask for it. You have fallen for a manosphere conspiracy theory that has no basis in reality. Women more often get custody because when both parents work, the men’s job is respected, the women’s isn’t. They get automatically assumed to be the caregiver because of gender expectations. The only thing a man has to do is literally ask for custody. On the other hand, a single mother who is expected to do the brunt of the caregiving, can’t force the father to take more time with the kids. Simply because of gender expectations.

  • Nooo I have so many… This one I can explain in English:

    Xubuntu but blind

    So, this is ~2016. Ubuntu is hip and a handful of my students use it. On my PCs I only use Debian and Suse. So to help them better I take out an old ASUS laptop and install Ubuntu on it. Try out Xubuntu instead.

    At that time I was also huge into alternative keyboard layouts. I had a slightly modified Neo keyboard layout installed when I switched to Xubuntu.

    Here the fun starts because the obscure internal graphics card built into the laptop didn’t have driver support under Xubuntu. Black screen but I could hear it working. This was the hardest driver fix I ever did. No monitor and a keyboard layout I wasn’t used to, under a Linux distro I wasn’t used to. And I also was at the university library, so no hardware support or Debian stick in reach.