• 2 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 22nd, 2023


  • I know a lot of people were panning warrior, but I’m waiting to see what it feels like. I don’t think it’s wrong to have some simpler designs too, and for me at least I prefer that a lot of the time.

    Same with Rev, I know people felt like it was a little weaker than others but I think it might be pretty fun. The only thing I was thinking about that one was the spammable main skill should be on 2 or 3, not 5.

    Ranger is probably my top pick out of the whole thing.

    Engie was the weakest for me. I just don’t get how it fits the class fantasy at all. The visuals almost look more like warrior to me, and there’s almost no gadget theme at all.

  • This seems like a completely baseless and hyperbolic take gleaned from a single screenshot of a YouTube comment. While I’m sure there are people who only watch critical takes on things (I’ve done it before myself), it’s a crazy extrapolation to say that “movie fans have regressed to this”. Maybe some people are kind of attached to a given franchise but don’t like the current direction, so they keep tabs on it but don’t watch themselves right now. Maybe others don’t watch critics at all. This just feels like fishing for doom where none exists. /rant

  • I definitely dislike the idea of stopping the action and suggesting a direction. For my games I always try to aim for immersion, and this would really take me out of it.

    I think you might have gotten the wrong idea about how I approach it, though. Part of keeping things surprising and impartial is avoiding changing things all the time secretly. That being said, I don’t believe in a hard and fast rule of never fudging anything.

    Here’s an example where I would consider it. The players have been trying really hard to overcome an obstacle, and have had many setbacks already. They come up with an exciting and novel solution, but a bad roll happens on my end that would end this great idea in another failure. Because they’ve earned it by this point, and it will make for a more exciting game, I would likely fudge that roll and give it to them. I would do this in secret, because calling attention to it deflates the experience for the players.

    I see the GM as a storyteller and entertainer, whose primary goal is to immerse the players into a story, and to create an exciting and unpredictable experience. Not everyone will view things like I do, and that’s fine, but I wanted to clarify what I mean anyway. Hopefully that makes more sense now.

  • I watched a few of this guy’s videos for a while after my friend passed one along once. I actually agree with parts of this take. He does have some good points about writing and direction, but always goes so far off the rails into his obsession with “the agenda”, or straight up misogyny. I just couldn’t watch them anymore after a few cause of that. Felt too toxic.