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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • @kerplunk Also to that point, this is apparently a baseless rumor started from someone who had some beef with the dev at some point. And it’s only spiralled because people keep spreading this info to new people who then just rinse and repeated what they hear because they’re all new.

    I can’t find the link but it’s on the lemmy blog. So it’s best not to spread the info based on what you hear in the comments anyway. Lemmy is fine as long as you like the software. The best way to not support them is by not donating or something. That’s all they get from it. Let them be tankies if they are, and distance yourself from the core instances.

    kbin is newer but in my opinion the better interface. And if I stick around it will only get better!

    I’d say Beehaw is the fediverse for your kids. let them be soft and kind and ban curse words.

    You’re safe with lemmy or kbin, probably. Just live with some growing pains for a month or two.

    @admiral_muffin @PlutoniumAcid

  • @Lengsel On reddit, it was mainly a pre-requisite for who could post or comment. You needed an account with at least X karma to contribute. This would make it easier for mods to ensure quality content, or at least those that put in effort in lower-bar subs before making their way to start a thread to certain subs.

    Here, maybe one day, when bots are more of a thing (so, next week), it can be a way to at least prevent some spam, some lesser content, and brand-new accounts from contaminating the masses.

    I use it to appreciate a comment with nothing to add, or disagree without having to type a mess. It also prevents me from posting something obsurd that defames me and my profile, that makes me feel like I have a lot of unpopular opinions. It’s really just helpful to have a number tell you what a POS or GOD you are.

  • @bitsplease Hey all, I want you to think of this as rebooting the internet. YOU are the starter now. This whole fediverse concept is relatively new to a lot of people, but can make a whole lot of new websites be like what the internet was supposed to be. Please, be the forefront, be the internet you want to see. You can’t lurk because without you, WE won’t see anything. Content may be made by others, but you obsorb it and can pass it on. Just like gossip around the office, you have to be the one to help spread it otherwise there is no tea at the end of the day. This brought me out of my lurking shell. I’ve commented everywhere I even see! Join us! Share us! Be a part of this whole shift in the newest “generation” of internet!

  • I’ve found Cloudflare is cheaper than Google Domains, and allows for more flexibility of setups. A $12 domain on google can be $9 or less on Cloudflare. (this is a per-year price. So the cheaper you get the domain, will exponentially be cheaper over 10+ years)

    Cloudflare is also a layer of protection to your pihole. You shouldn’t run in to that many issues by buying a domain but I’m not sure what you’re trying to do. Just buying a domain is like buying a username, it doesn’t do much until you point it somewhere. So if you’re pointing it to your pi-hole to host something then I’d look in to hosting services to save yourself a bit of a security issue.

    What is it you’re trying to do?

  • Commenting from kbin. I actually feel kbin is a more reddit-like site and beginner friendly. and I love that we can interact from different sites.

    I am more of a forum-type user and not a microblogger, so I liked that aspect of it all. I dislike Mastodon because of the “shout to the void” style that people post on there. I like a site that has sub-communities that all aggregate into a front-page, but this is a little different as I subscribe to individual sites rather than a moderated community within a monopolated site like Reddit.

    So rather than a Reddit alternative, I actually like it as a re-thought forum. I’ve also enjoyed the culture of the fediverse of “we’re not here to attack everything you say” so I’ve felt more open to comment rather than lurk.