
  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I like to play the game in phases - first phase is to automate the digging of coal, iron, and copper, (stone too if I feel energetic) into chests.

    Then comes electricity - get something like 8 iron, 4 coal, 2 copper, 1 stone mines going and smelting.

    Then start on science - I usually aim for 8 factories for red and green which will feed a few science labs.

    Personally I then get all the science I can and basically build another base around that base, stealing transport belts from the science factories and building a basic bus and expanding out to the remaining science colours.

    Another phase is probably trains which means lots of iron production.

    Another phase is robots which marks the need for oil and copper being important.

    Then with the final sciences comes true scale, my first base is usually gone by this point.

    Finally comes the rocket/spaceship and then time to start building my REAL base.

    I don’t tend to worry about number of factories or science per second but will try to increase until I’ve filled a belt with inputs.