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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2023


  • I am tired of the rush rush rush everyone is feeling and pushing onto others. Leave with sufficient time and then go the speed limit. You get there when you get there. If there are delays you should have a backup route planned if you have an important meeting or deadline. Give plenty of room in case the car in front of you needs to stop. I sometimes get pushed through a red light because someone is tailgating me. One time there was a truck pulling a trailer behind me. I had plenty of time to stop but they didn’t. I ended up going into the intersection to avoid getting rear ended and had to drive into opposing traffic on the other side before moving back onto the right side of the road. I’ve gone through it so many times in my head and the only solution was to not stop and run the red light. This should never happen. People do not treat stale green lights as something that can potentially change and they don’t prepare for it.

  • OneDrive integration in Windows reality pisses me off. I shouldn’t have to do so much modification to windows to get it to stop starting up. But then again I have some crazy bad luck when it comes to computers. I’ve worked in computers for almost 3 decades and no one reports having issues like I do. My colleagues admit that I may be cursed. Either way I think windows is pushing things a bit too much. No one should have to modify the registry or have to go through command line/powershell just to stop being nagged. The last few times I have gone into the task manager and disabled them on start up they get turned on again after Microsoft pushes an update hence why I’m using the simple wall firewall app. What is a non story for you just might not be for others. And that could be a simple thing like you being in a different update channel. I’m not sure but I think updates can also be affected by your location/geography data. Either way I don’t doubt I’m going to be shamed and told I’m a fool so…

  • I feel for both of you. You’re stuck in a tough place. There are different types of antibiotics if memory serves me well so it may be best to see if there is something else they can prescribe that might be less devastating or at the very least some probiotics that you can put him in that will help offset the gut issue. I am only speaking from what I’ve heard my wife talk about for herself. I was on antibiotics so much as a kid that my gut bacteria has never properly recovered. I have yet to find a probiotic that works for me. They all make me sick. Almost everything makes me gassy and in pain so I really feel for your pup. Not sure if they make a gasX product for pets but that may help too.