• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 9th, 2023


  • Yeah I get what you mean. I hear that a lot too.

    But remember God has a plan. So does he plan for me to commit sin and thus his punishment is in itself planned, which just seems mean and unnecessary… Or did I go against his plan when I sinned and now has to punish me, and if that is the case he seems quite fallible.

    So god is either mean or fallible, which to me seems like a god not worth worshipping.

    I am probably just overthinking this and need sleep.

  • Thanks for hearing me out and understanding.

    Maybe there isn’t a perfect solution, but I want to have the conversation regardless as it’s shining a light on a real problem that needs to be resolved. I just hate being disregarded as some car lover due to the lack of understanding and assumptions. I might try fuck cars again in hopes that other are like yourself.

    Have a good one mate.

  • Used to be, but when I tried to explain my (old) predicament looking for support/alternatives a lot of people just assumed I was some car lover. Yes it’s about better public transportation for all and I honestly want that. But a lot of their suggestions weren’t that realistic for rural Australians.

    Central Australia is one of the least population dense places in the world and there is too much space, not enough people and the cost of setting up a train/bus network would be astronomical; especially if you look at the cost per person, both economically and environmentally.

    Please understand that I really am not trying to start an argument, I am open to realistic alternatives, and want better forms of transportation everywhere. But I just hate being piled in with car nuts just because I disagree that adding more buses in central Aus would help at all. So, I just stopped going to fuck cars after a while.