• 3 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023

  • Well, in the linked comment, on the second line where it says to import the converted epub into editing software like sigil,there was a link to a piece of software called sigil, it’s for editing EPUB files, and it’s called sigil. It’s the second link in the comment that takes you to the EPUB editor software called sigil.

    I have been tempted to upload them for others to use, but all the authors that I’ve done it for are really small niche community authors, and I do not want to take support away from them.

    Just because I’m a broke ass removed and have decided to re-copy them however I see fit for my personal consumption, doesn’t necessarily mean I want to become a bootlegger publisher.

  • I would like to do something like that but I don’t want to be scrutinized about technically being a bootleg publisher.

    The books I did it to are from small authors writing for niche communities and I don’t want to make it easier to pirate than buy in that case. Anyone else can find those same PDFs on a website easy to search and well recommended by the community so the information is available, and if they want an ePub they can format it themselves or just buy the version from Amazon and support the author.

    1. Use convert.io to convert pdf to EPUB
    2. Import EPUB to editor software such as sigil
    3. Find editing issues in the text by hand, once you’ve found one issue that gets repeated like “AuThOr 78” for page numbers
    4. Use the search and replace function to replace all instances with blank
    5. Skim over the text for a couple minutes not reading, but looking for other weird breaks in the text flow
    6. When you think you have them all export the file and start reading, if you see any other less obvious issues mark them in the notes and do a final edit for aesthetics

    You now have the book on EPUB to be placed in your personal cloud or whatever.

  • I wouldn’t say that capitalists do no work at all, that’s just a way to exploit people in the middle class to say the people on the lower class think they do no work and they are lazy.

    It perfectly fits the metaphor because while the person on the right will tell a story about how when they started all they had was trees and a vision, it’s clear to see they were able to have that vision because of the tools that were handed down to them from the people before, that they selfishly hand removed from the equation not remembering they needed at least a scrap of iron and some fibers to make the vision seem reasonable.

  • And it will only get worse…

    Amazon entered the field by buying One Medical and advertising remote visits included at no extra cost for 9$ a month. I just got the bill for my first remote visit, 305$ to establish care. I figured okay, I just did the wrong kind of remote visit, so I tried to get help with a sinus infection I haven’t been able to shake, they straight up won’t do the included visit, they want me to do another multiple hundred dollar video call again. When you sign up they say video visits are free with no asterisk or limits given.

    I make too little money to qualify for assistance, so I have basically been told by my country that I am an acceptable loss in the name of profits.

    I’m scared, any doctor here can just refuse to treat me because they don’t think I’ll pay, or even better, in my home state they can deny me healthcare just because I’m on HRT.

    We just got some bad news about my partners health, and potentially mine, so it’s not a “maybe this won’t impact me” kind of thing. I need medical help and treatment now, not in thirty years when we decide the Amazon death panels were a terrible exploitative idea…

  • During the deposition, Clinton was asked “Have you ever had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky, as that term is defined in Deposition Exhibit 1?” The judge ordered that Clinton be given an opportunity to review the agreed definition. Afterwards, based on the definition created by the Independent Counsel’s Office, Clinton answered, “I have never had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky.” Clinton later said, “I thought the definition included any activity by [me], where [I] was the actor and came in contact with those parts of the bodies” which had been explicitly listed (and “with an intent to gratify or arouse the sexual desire of any person”).

    In other words, Clinton denied that he had ever contacted Lewinsky’s “genitalia, anus, groin, breast, inner thigh, or buttocks”, and effectively claimed that the agreed-upon definition of “sexual relations” included giving oral sex but excluded receiving oral sex.

    Well played…

  • Just remember the first of those impeachment hearings was about the extortion of Ukrainian President Zelenskyy by threatening to withhold military aid in “a perfect phone call” If they didn’t run cover for the election interference allegations in the 2016 election and offer up dirt on Hunter Biden.

    There is no timeline where the republicans would have received it any better.

    It only took a couple of months after the invasion happened and they realized the withholding aid in the past looked like it created the atmosphere to facilitate the invasion and suddenly all the people who were praising journalists in body armor in the Middle East were criticizing journalists for wearing body armor in Kyiv, and start backing Russia for “reasons” (I still can’t really get any concrete reason from any of them).

    The only reason I’ve been given why it was a “ Partisan attack” was that it was revenge for Bill Clinton being impeached for lying about a blow job under oath, as if that diminishes the levity of the situation in the first place.