• 479 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Honestly I think every format needs a community panel separate from Wizards to decide the BnR. I think people forget a lot of the time because Wizards usually does a good enough job most of the time, but when bans run against the bottom line (Oko, Hogaak, etc…) they always seem to come down on the wrong side.

    The issue of course is A. Getting Wizards to do it and B. Getting the right people on it. Commander has a community-run panel but it feels like they’re far too lax and out-of-touch sometimes.

  • My personal thoughts, I’m glad to see [[Recruiter of the Guard]] make it in, though I would have also liked to see [[Veteran Explorer]].

    In terms of power level, I think it looks like less than MH2 which is good, but I guess I’ll have to see where the Flare Cycle ends up settling. All the best cards seem to be highly dependent on energy which limits their viability, unless a super powerful energy deck emerges I think they won’t be a problem. Still possible that Necrodominance, Ugin’s Labyrinth or Ugin’s Binding could cause issues.

    My only real disappointment is that despite Eldrazi being a big selling point, all the best colorless cards look like they’ll work better in Mono-G/U Tron. Kozilek’s Command seems like the only big pickup but even that doesn’t seem like it can handle all the new threats that E-Tron folds to

  • Oh I see, so more horizontal movement style games? Maybe Moon Hunters?

    I feel like a lot of stuff like that is probably going to fall into the roguelike category. But as a fan of RPGs roguelikes always bug me because I need progression. Soulslikes such as Hunt the Night or Duel Corp might be better, but based on your description that’s probably too much on the action side and not enough on the rpg side

  • Basilica Bell-Haunt

    The art, the solid mana cost and the frame colors make it an aesthetically very pleasing card, but when it was revealed I figured it would be a good draft card but not playable in Standard. But it turned out to be a fantastic stabilizing card in Esper Hero and punched way above its weight as an uncommon. GRN/RNA was also just a great era for Standard so it’s tied to good memories from that time as well.