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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • That’s 3 dollars an hour with all social services and human needs met.

    American auto workers might make 20 dollars an hour, but life costs 22 dollars an hour, and if you aren’t in the auto union, you’re fucked.

    Agreed, Tax the rich, limit C Suite income, regulate rent/property prices, limit profit margins on food, lower interest rates, give actual universal Healthcare, and watch America stomp China in the industry.

    Do none of that and stagnate the spread of green technology to make the riches even richer and you are DC.

    Complaining about Chinese people being guaranteed food, shelter, and Healthcare, and that system yielding cheap green technology is counter productive.

  • BTW? Did you just recommend that i search about it on Tik Tok?

    Ya, if you want to find some lawyers that have a vested interest in what is going on with TikTok that Google and Microsoft aren’t suppressing, you might want to check out the platform we are actually talking about. It’s great at quickly spreading uncensored information (the real reason the fed is trying to ban it. They want us dumb and eating up their propaganda).

    Just an idea.

  • Admittedly, I don’t know the details, so I’ll concede readily if someone has something to say I’m flat out wrong, but TikTok is on fire with lawyers posting their legal analysis of the situation, and the overwhelming concensus that a couple years ago, a series of laws were passed that would make it illegal for a US company to purchase a Chinese algorithm.

    The company, the branding, yes.

    Specifically the algorithm, no.

    Paranoid people who don’t know how to open a PDF passed laws that make that nearly, if not entirely, impossible.

    Or so a bunch of lawyers that have side TikTok gigs say.

    They are anticipating that being a core argument when TikTok US sues the federal government.