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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • There are posts and threads where people say that they can see images when they close their eyes.

    I honestly don’t know if that’s just people not being specific with their words. I mean, “I can see images when I close my eyes” is still an accurate statement for me, even if the images don’t appear unprompted. The idea of unprompted images forming every time I close my eyes is frankly rather terrifying. Closing my eyes is part of my strategy for dealing with over stimulation; if I didn’t have calming dark when I closed my eyes, I think I’d freak the hell out.

  • For what its worth, I definitely do not have aphantasia, but that first description of closing your eyes and non seeing vivid imagery is nonsense. If I close my eyes, I don’t just randomly start seeing things. I only “see” mental images if I think about what things look like. Unless there’s music playing (that I enjoy). If I close my eyes while listening to good music I frequently get all sorts of mental images. However, they don’t start as what I’d call vivid. Instead, they’re faint at first, but get stronger the longer I keep my eyes closed and the music keeps playing.

    As a side note, I have prosopagnosia (face blindness), so even though I can visual a tree, or an apple, or even a person, I almost never can visual a face. Like right now, I cannot picture my wife’s face, or my son’s. Sometimes I can, but I’d say that its rare, and I have no idea why sometimes it works and other times it doesn’t.

    So yeah, those are terrible descriptions of aphantasia (and to be clear, I’m agreeing with your overall point).

  • We advocate for freedom of speech, and not just the limited one currently granted by the 1st amendment of the constitution of the USA.

    “People should be able to say whatever they want without having to fear consequences” is a garbage take on “freedom of speech”. Even if you clarify it as “people be able to say whatever they want without having to fear consequences from large organizations”, it is still a garbage take.

  • I’m just arguing that, for certain very large monopolistic corporations, maybe it should apply as well.

    Instead of treating huge corporations that actively suppress competition like they’re a de facto form of government, we should instead… prevent them from getting to the point where their size and market share grants them power over the lives of citizens comparable to that of the government.

  • Do you understand how much effort you’re putting into being “right” rather than having an actual discussion?

    For context, you started with “EV is bad because it uses coal”, implying that it is worse than ICE vehicles (somehow).

    Then you had to change it to “EV is bad because it uses non-renewable energy.”

    Then you had to change it to “EV is bad because it uses non-renewable energy and renewable energy, but not really much renewable energy.”

    Then you had to change it to “EV is bad because outside of California, which doesn’t count (for some reason), it uses non-renewable energy and renewable energy, but not really much renewable energy.”

    Now that someone is pointing out that other places besides California use significant amounts of renewable energy, your argument has become “I only will accept arguments that provide citations, even though my own various, shifting arguments, have provided none.”

    This is in no way a good look for you.

  • Marruk@lemmy.worldtoAutism@lemmy.worldOn Self-Diagnosis
    10 months ago

    There’s a pretty significant difference between “I don’t trust neurotypicals” and “I don’t trust a specific neurotypical person who diagnoses without extensive hands-on experience in the relevant target population, particularly when the population in question tends to intentionally learn to hide their defining characteristics as they get older.”