MaeBorowski [she/her]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 22nd, 2022


  • Yes, that’s an important thing to remember. Instances like .world and justshit are largely responsible for dragging down .ml and other (relatively speaking) decent instances. On hexbear, we’re used mostly seeing ourselves (obviously), lemmygrad, .ml, a little bit of db0, and a smattering of other little instances. The second you go on .ml, you’re inundated with loads of the same shit we all thought had been left concentrated on reddit. It’s not that .ml is that terrible, it’s that it’s too small to push back against the hordes of .worlders. And so the culture of .ml and other smaller instances slowly but surely gets degraded. Defederating from hexbear and lemmygrad preemptively by .world wasn’t done just because they wanted to be “safe” from having to see opinions and takes based in a reality they like to deny (it was that too), but also so they could hold sway and more easily influence and dominate the fediverse.

    For everyone on hexbear that was gung-ho about federation because it would mean actively dunking on libs, if you were one of the ones (like me) who liked the idea of arguing with liberals and putting them in their place for all the lurkers to see how inept their worldview is, I very much encourage you to make accounts on other instances and help push back against .world’s insidious shit. If you’re a hexbear that has had enough of that shit and just want to chill in a leftist space, I completely respect that and would suggest that you not make accounts on other instances.

    Hexbear has almost fallen back to a state of existence similar to how it was before federation happened, with the biggest difference being more cross pollination with lemmygrad. Which is good for those I just mentioned who like to not have to see liberal and chuddy garbage outside of the dunk tank. But it’s not good for .ml that they get so swamped by .world. I’ve said it before but I really do encourage hexbears who like the posting trenches to make accounts on .ml and check the same threads you read as a hexbear and take note of how drastically different the experience is.

  • What specifically is this from?

    rant on how ineffectual search engines are

    I’ve been trying to search it and my fucking god all search engines are SHIT now. Searx (using google and bing) returns no results when I throw in a few quote marks as search operators to get exact text matches, and won’t let me use yandex for some reason. Using Yandex directly is impossible because I’m not doing 5 ridiculous image captchas in a row to prove I’m not a bot and just conduct a single search. Brave keeps turning up wikipedia pages and Time articles but completely ignoring quote marks (I fucking hate how Brave just up and ignores important search operators without telling you, just to make it look like it’s feeding you results, even though those results are ones you specifically asked for it NOT to return which is why the operators are there in the first place.

    I finally started asking the Brave AI exactly where the text originated from and it says

    The text likely comes from a historical book, article, or academic paper that discusses the Nazi Party’s rise to power and the role of various political parties, including the Social Democrats, in that process.

    Really? No shit.

    Also, searching (which just uses google anyway) didn’t help either.

  • Is there a reason we can’t see ml c/technology from hexbear?

    I don’t think there is. From what I’ve been able to tell, it’s a bug and is relatively common. There are certain comms and even certain users that are plain invisible, as it seems as if they do not federate correctly (despite the rest of the instance being federated). I have talked about it before, and c/technology isn’t the only one like that. We also can’t see the privacy comm from hexbear. And they can’t properly see our literature comm. I’m sure there are others, in fact I know there are I just can’t remember which atm.

    Are we able to defederate from specific communities?

    I think we actually are able to do that now? But that’s not what this is. This was an issue long before that was a feature. And like I said, it happens with certain users too and there is nothing in the modlog of either instance about them being banned or something. They simply don’t exist if you’re looking for them from the other instance. purge-2

  • Oooh, but you’re so entitled! SMH. Just another selfish and self-centered youth, spoiled really to not be willing to go die such a noble death for your betters. The people who want to send you to that death so they can maintain their stranglehold on the working class all over the globe, they aren’t being “entitled,” no. They’re the adults in the room ensuring the Rules-Based International Order. Just because that may translate to more yachts for them and their friends, the Captains of Industry is beside the point. The Captains are certainly not entitled either. And clearly that’s reality, because this definitely not entitled “Journalist” is saying it how it is.

  • It wasn’t totally without benefits, yeah. But something else now possible that (for the most part) couldn’t be done then is just hit pause when you want a break. That way you don’t have to worry about having to either set the gameboy back down to watch when the commercials end or miss some of the show because you’re about to beat the level and can’t just stop playing. Like, commercials were good for a piss break and grabbing some snacks too, but if you were too long in the other room and you came back you’d have no idea how that mini-cliff-hanger resolved.