• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • Lodra@programming.devtoSocialism@lemmy.mlSurplus Value
    5 days ago


    It’s easy to understand how income and taxes affect my life. For many jobs, it’s very difficult to understand the value of my labor in a bigger picture.

    I think most people can’t think abstractly and thus struggle to see larger interactions like how money flows through an economy.

  • Open source software literally means that the source code is available to anyone. In GitHub, that just means that your repo is public rather than private. But your method technically doesn’t matter. You could publish to a forum if you wish. That’s still open source!

    Free OSS just means that anyone is free to use and modify the source code for any purpose. The details are usually defined in a LICENSE file.

    I feel like you’re really asking about the common practices and methods used in FOSS. Right? If so, that’s entirely up to you as the maintainer. As the project matures, you may attract other contributors which will in turn will motivate change to your tools and methods.

    Start with what works for you. Model after similar projects if you wish. Adjust as change is needed.

  • Unfortunately, I don’t remember the source so we may need to go digging. But I recall reading that something like 1/3 of all bugs are related to memory safety. And those bugs translate to things like buffer overflow and privilege escalation attacks.

    The proclaimed advantage is that by making the entirety of Rust memory safe, that entire class of bugs simply won’t exist for projects written in Rust. When they do happen, the bugs will be addressed by the language rather than many thousands of downstream projects. It should be an enormous gain in development performance for the world.

    I think the idea makes sense. Time will tell us how well that works.

  • Professionally, I’ve spent the last year almost entirely focused on o11y, a numeronym for observability. IMO you want to run opentelemetry (aka otel) for a lot of this stuff. It’s a fantastic tool. We tell clients that if they don’t use otel, then they’re probably doing o11y wrong.

    You can run it as a collector to scrape log files. If your apps are instrumented, they can emit telemetry via OTLP to otel instead. Then otel can process and export the data to various data backends like Minor (metrics), Loki (logs), and Tempo (traces). Then use Grafana for a UI. That particular set of tools is known as the LGTM stack. if you only want to handle logs, your stack could be simpler: otel, Loki, and Grafana.

    A final thought is about a seeming want for metrics generated from logs. Otel can do that for you too.

  • Well that’s an interesting take! What aspects are you opposed to?

    IANAL but I did read through the patents agreement that you linked. It basically says do whatever you want with Go as long as it different infringe on Google patents. Which is pretty much backed by US law anyways and I assume other countries as well. The sketchy part is that your license is revoked as soon as they file a lawsuit rather than win it. Honestly, I’d be surprised if Google ever used this in a legal dispute because there would be a huge community backlash.

    That also only applies to Go developers. You would only be a user for a tool written on Go. How does your using a tool written in Go translate to support for Google and its bad practices? Do you not use any software written in Go?

    Sorry if this is sounding argumentative! I’m generally a big fan of Go and definitely opposed to Google and using its products. This is a topic that I haven’t considered before so my questions represent my sincere curiosity.