Short time veteran of the fediverse New to Lemmy, at the time of this bio edit, @ ~1 hour I’m also And

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Ever since I tried windows 11 on a laptop given to me I’ve been using Linux exclusively. It’s been about a year now and I thought I would have issues with games, but every game I actually play runs just fine, and usually better than on Windows.

    I don’t see myself going back at all. Even for my college classes for windows exclusive software (just requirements for degree) I use the provided cloud vm from the school. Every time I go into the VM it just reminds me more how I don’t want to go back to Windows.

    At least on pretty much all distros, you can customize your desktop however you want. Can’t even move the taskbar anymore on Windows 11.

    Edit - this addition:

    I’ve even built my latest PC with the express goal of never running Windows and I’m extremely happy with it.

  • One more thing:

    Before going forward:

    • if they use windows applications (TurboTax or some specifically windows game downloaded from steam or the like) make sure to download appropriate compatibility apps.
    • proton for games, wine for apps
    • make sure to back up any important files to a USB or some other media before starting so nothing important is lost in case of mistakes

    Here’s starting commands to run after an install:

    `` sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y sudo shutdown now -r sudo apt update sudo apt install wine winetricks proton vlc

    With that you should get a nice start (will edit if formatting is weird)

  • I, personally, would suggest Debian 12 especially since they still supply 32 bit ISOs. (Also 64 bit, but that’s kind of a given at this point)

    • Debian is rock stable due to testing like crazy
    • Adding a lightweight desktop like XFCE would help with not overloading the PC
    • If I remember correctly, updates for the next 5 years since it’s a long term support (LTS) release
    • I am guessing you mean 75 GB which should still have, at minimum (absolute worst case everything went wrong kind of wrong), 60 GB left for programs and files

    Since they provide both 64 and 32 bit ISOs and run the same thing, all support issues can be done exactly the same on all the computers since, I assume, there is no dedicated graphics card (Nvidia, AMD) in any of them.

    Here’s a link to the downloads:

    Download from the “complete installation image” area on the left, second section down.

    Edit: If you can use a DVD or USB then use the DVD link, but if they can’t then the CD image will also work.

  • Shinigami Eyes is a browser extension for Firefox and chrome that will change the link color of different sites and online profiles depending on whether they are trans friendly or anti-trans. It’s community driven on the info it uses and saves time of researching an individual, company, or site to figure out if they are dangerous to us or not.